The US government wants to sue Google for the monopoly


The US Department of Justice wants to file a monopoly lawsuit against Google. It is supposed to be the practices of the Alphabet subsidiary with which, according to the researchers, they are driving competition from search engines out of the market.

Apparently, the lawsuit will be filed on Tuesday. It could be the largest antitrust litigation in the United States in decades. The Justice Department announced a press conference. First, the “New York Times” reported on the lawsuit.

The search engine market is very competitive, not only because search engines determine the majority of people’s access to the Internet, but also because it displays lucrative advertising. The demand must be extended to the business with the advertisements. Based on this, Google consistently ensured that competitors are at a disadvantage and therefore can sell less advertising. Google has yet to comment on the message.

Connection to the US elections?

Observers suspect that there could be a political agenda behind the calendar: the US presidential elections will be held in a few days, on November 3. President Donald Trump had repeatedly promised his supporters that he wanted to hold internet companies accountable for believing they would discriminate against conservative views on the internet.

On the other hand, it could also win approval from the Democratic camp with a lawsuit against Google. The dominant economic role of corporations such as Google, Facebook, Amazon or Apple has been criticized for some time there. US Senator Elizabeth Warren, a prominent Democratic politician, tweeted a tweet calling for aggressive action against tech companies with the hashtag #BreakUpBigTech.

More lawsuits are likely to follow

A lawsuit is unlikely to stop there – various investigating authorities in the United States are known to be investigating all of Google’s businesses, with a particular focus on the entire advertising industry. According to information from Reuters, the state of Texas is planning its own lawsuit against Google due to its commercial conduct in digital advertising. Colorado authorities are taking a broader thematic approach, apparently cooperating with other states. The Commerce Commission of the Ministry of Justice launched antitrust investigations against Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google about a year ago.

Icon: The mirror
