Biden report: White House regrets Twitter ban


rePresident Donald Trump’s campaign team accused Twitter of blocking the private account of White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany. The team released a screenshot on Wednesday night (local time) that was supposed to show a notification that was only visible to McEnany. He said that his access to the account had been blocked. Rationale: McEnany tweeted a link to a report that attempted to connect Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to his son Hunter’s business in Ukraine.

Trump’s challenger’s election campaign team had previously rejected the report, Twitter blocked distribution of the link to the article in the “New York Post.” Among other things, it could not be forwarded by tweet or direct message since Wednesday afternoon.

Twitter referred to the justification of the rules against the dissemination of information that had been obtained through “piracy” and contained private data. The report, which also contained images of alleged emails, did not provide sufficient clarity on the origin of the published material.

Allegedly Treacherous Mail Found

The “New York Post” reported Wednesday that an email found in a notebook at a repair shop indicated a meeting between Joe Biden and a business associate of his son in 2015. A spokesperson for Biden’s campaign team emphasized on a statement to the Politico website: “We checked Joe Biden’s official hours from then on, and there was never a meeting as claimed.”

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The newspaper said it received a copy of the weekend’s laptop hard drive from Rudy Giuliani, a close confidant of Trump. The copy was made by the owner of the repair shop, while the notebook itself was confiscated by federal police last December.
