Mild symptoms after corona infection: Trump is treated in a military clinic


The President of the United States, Trump, was transferred to a military clinic with “mild” symptoms of corona infection. It is supposed to be a precautionary measure. In a video, he had previously said that he was doing “very well.”

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has been hospitalized for being infected with the coronavirus. He left the White House, where he gave reporters present a “thumbs up” and saluted. He walked a few feet across the lawn to the helicopter that took him to Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, north of Washington.

Trump wore a suit and tie and mouth and nose protection and was accompanied by employees who also wore masks. “I think I’m doing very well,” Trump said in a short video message that he recorded at the White House and posted on his Twitter account. But he still goes to the hospital for safety. His wife is “very well.” The video was released when Trump’s helicopter landed at the hospital. The 50-year-old first lady stayed in the White House.

The White House stressed that Vice President Pence would not take over the business for now. Pence, who would automatically step in if Trump could no longer fulfill his official duties, tested negative.

Caution on the advice of physicians.

According to the government headquarters, the hospital stay is a precautionary measure on the recommendation of doctors. Trump will work from the president’s office at the clinic for the next few days. Trump showed “mild symptoms” after the infection. But he is still in a good mood and has worked all day. Trump is said to have had a fever since Friday morning and is suffering from a cough and constipation.

Shortly after midnight, Trump wrote on Twitter Friday that he and his wife Melania (50) had tested positive for the corona virus. “We will begin our quarantine and recovery immediately. We will get through it TOGETHER.” Soon after, his doctor, Sean Conley, released a statement.

Antibody cocktail administered

According to his personal physician, Trump received a dose of an antibody cocktail, an experimental treatment. He also takes zinc, vitamin D, the stomach drug famotidine, the sleep hormone melatonin, and aspirin. He was showing signs of fatigue, but he was in a good mood. First lady Melania, on the other hand, was told that she was still fine and only had a slight cough and headache. The US media reported that Trump had a fever.

Biden: Trump infection is a warning

Biden continued his campaign against him. He refrained from attacking Trump in an election campaign, but alluded to his handling of the corona virus. Trump’s infection is a warning to take the virus seriously, Biden said in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “It will not disappear automatically.” Biden called for people to listen to scientists on the pandemic, wear masks, keep their distance, and wash their hands regularly.

New beginning for the Corona aid package

The latest stalled negotiations in Congress over another Corona aid package have now started to move: In the context of Trump’s diagnosis, both sides want to make a fresh attempt to get aid on the way. However, Democrats are pushing for the Senate hearings of Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s candidate for the vacant post of Supreme Court Justice, to be postponed, while Republicans want to continue the verification process as soon as possible.

Receive good wishes for Trump

Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, wished the president a speedy recovery. “Although we are in the middle of an important political battle that we take very seriously, we send our best wishes to the president and the first lady,” Obama said at a campaign fundraiser for Biden.

Meanwhile, the North Korean state agency KCNA said that the ruling Kim Jong Un had sent Trump a message to wish him and his wife a “faster” recovery.

With information from Sebastian Hesse, ARD-Studio Washington
