Ludwigshafen coronavirus: description of open stores


Ludwigshafen – Federal states have relaxed their crown measures since the beginning of the week. Which main stores are open again:

  • Since Monday (April 20), the federal states have somewhat eased measures against the coronavirus.
  • Shops and businesses they are allowed to reopen if they have the Limit sales area to 800 square meters.
  • What major stores in and around Ludwigshafen are open again:

They were drastic measures that helped to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Ludwigshafen and Rhineland-Palatinate. For many weeks, public life was closed, nurseries, schools, public institutions and shops were closed. An uncontrolled spread of lung disease. Covid-19 It can be prevented for the moment, fortunately the dreaded overload of our health system does not occur.

Since the beginning of the week (April 20), the federal states have Crown measurements a little relaxed Even if most children have to stay home, at least the final grade students can go back to school. Retail stores, which have been closed for weeks, may also reopen subject to conditions.

Coronavirus in Ludwigshafen: which main stores are open again and where

In compliance with strict Hygiene and cleaning standards. can Open retail stores again. However, the rule should only apply to stores with a sales area of maximum 800 square meters Apply. Rhineland-Palatinate is one of the first federal states to allow larger stores to reopen after the crown closes if they limit their customer-accessible sales area to a maximum of 800 square meters.

Also in Ludwigshafen and the surrounding area, some retailers are taking the opportunity to finally reopen their stores to customers, even if the crowd doesn’t show up. But many wonder: what about department stores? Are they open now?

Here is an overview of department stores in and around Ludwigshafen (as of April 22):

Saturn at Ludwigshafen town has reopened, opening hours are initially limited to 10 a.m. at 6 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. Much of the stores in the store passage Balloon It is open again. Similarly has Bike limiter His business reopened. Saturn and MediaMarkt stores are also opening in Baden-Württemberg.

Like Saturn too MediaMarkt Branch opening hours are adjusted from 10 a.m. at 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Since Wednesday (April 22) the markets are in Alzey, Landau, Speyer and Worms opened again. The Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim branch will initially remain closed. Here, however, customers can pick up products ordered online. Kaufhof / Karstadt Gallery It has reopened 49 stores from its 170 branches across the country, including branches in Neustadt / Weinstrasse, Speyer and Worms.

Other big stores like MediaMarkt, Saturn and H&M also want to reopen. Only the Ikea furniture store remains stubborn in the Corona crisis.


Image of rubric list: © LUDWIGSHAFEN24 / Omar Ali
