2020 U.S. Election Live: Joe Biden Is About To Win Election, But The Count Continues


2020 U.S. elections
Joe Biden is close to winning the election, but the count continues

See in the video: Deadlines, applications, obstacles – when and where you can count now.

The race for the US presidency is so close in some states that re-counts are likely. Whoever wins a state gets all the votes of the electorate. That is why states with large numbers of voters are particularly important. For counts, the voting rights of the respective US state apply. Some examples:

Arizona (11 votes)
If the candidates are not separated by more than 0.1 percent, they must be counted. Candidates cannot request a recount.
Georgia (16 votes)
Here, a candidate can request a recount if the two applicants are at most 0.5 percent apart at the end. A recount must be requested two business days after the official election result and would not be available until November 25 at the earliest. start.
Pennsylvania (20 votes)
If the candidates are not separated by more than 0.5 percent, you must count here. The recount must be completed three weeks after the date of the election.
North Carolina (15 votes)
A recount may be requested if the candidates are not separated by more than 0.5 percent or 10,000 votes.
Wisconsin (10 votes)
If the candidates are not separated by more than one percent, a recount may be requested. However, the applicant must pay the bill. Trump apparently allows the procedure to cost several million US dollars. The count must be completed within 13 days.
In previous elections, only a few hundred votes were exchanged.
In particular, the team of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has already announced that it wants to request recounts. I’m not sure if that can give Trump a second term in office.

Sources: DPA, “NBC News”, “Ballotpedia.org”.


Who can make the decision for themselves? There’s a lot to be said for challenger Joe Biden right now. But his rival pulls out all the legal stops. The developments in the US elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. But it is not yet clear who won the race. Not many votes have been counted yet. Will incumbent Donald Trump be re-elected after four years? Or will challenger Joe Biden of the Democrats win the race? Biden is currently leading and getting closer and closer to the big goal. But the current Trump has made it clear once again, without any evidence, that he considers the election to be a fraud and will challenge it in court.

Who will win? Read here when to expect the latest results:

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • DieterHoss

    Friday also passed without a final decision in the US elections. In the decisive states, Joe Biden is currently at the helm:
    Georgia: with a good 4000 votes
    Pennsylvania: with a good 19,000 votes
    Nevada: with a good 22,000 votes
    Arizona: with almost 37,000 votes
    There is no decision in sight at the moment. On Saturday the following applies: The count continues. The count continues.

  • DieterHoss

    What is it really like in North Carolina and Alaska? The two states with no results either have been focused because Joe Biden has virtually no chance there. In North Carolina, Trump leads the entire count and is currently 1.4 percentage points. 98 percent of the votes are counted; there are about 16 voters. Y in Alaska, Trump currently has nearly 63 percent; here it will be counted in the next few days anyway. It is about three voters.

  • DieterHoss

    Little by little it seems that Trump is taking notice. At least that’s what CNN correspondent Jim Acosta reports, referring to “sources” at the White House. Trump is now evaluating the situation a bit more “realistic,” says tes. However, that doesn’t (yet) mean that the president has already given up.

  • DieterHoss

    Even on these pesky counting days, as a reminder: the election was on Tuesday ;-), the difference between Donald Trump and his rival could be even greater. As Trump savagely tweets and talks about his election “stolen,” Joe Biden has hardly heard from him. About 26 hours ago, he asked his followers to be patient. Since then, not a word, not a tweet, not even from Kamala Harris. This is supported by the result of the emergent elections for the democratic candidates.

  • DieterHoss

    Y Joe Biden has once again expanded his leadership in Pennsylvania. He now has more than 19,000 votes up front, reports CNN. If Biden won the state, that would be the same as winning the election.

  • DieterHoss

    After US President Donald Trump, the leaders of the English Premier League, Southampton, also called for the count to be “stopped,” but for good reason. Surprisingly, the soccer club top the table after eight games, ahead of defending champion Liverpool with seven games. If the league stopped now, Southampton would be champion. And the club has never been like this.

  • DieterHoss

    Counts are slow, but generally still going well for President Donald Trump’s Democratic challenger. Joe Biden was able to extend his lead with a few hundred votes in Pennsylvania and Nevada. On the other hand he easily lost again in Georgia and Arizona. But Biden is still at the forefront in every state. If it continues like this, the 78-year-old clearly won the election.

  • DieterHoss

    US President Donald Trump He warned his US electoral opponent, Joe Biden, not to declare himself the winner of the vote. “Joe Biden should not wrongly claim the position of president. I could also make that claim. The trials are just beginning! Trump wrote on Twitter. Biden and his vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris have announced a speech for the evening (local time). The content is unclear.

  • DieterHoss

    Amid the ongoing vote count after the US presidential election, the online service Twitter provided a warning to a post in which Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was named “president-elect.” “Officials may not have finished the race when this was tweeted,” the note read. The author of the contribution was podcaster Scott Dworkin, who is also a co-founder of the anti-Trump Democratic Coalition. In his tweet, Dworkin also referred to Biden’s vice-candidate, Kamala Harris, as “vice president-elect.” More recently, Donald Trump’s tweets were flagged because his claims of voter fraud had yet to be substantiated.

  • DieterHoss

    the CNN-Correspondent Jim Acosta reports “chaos” in the White House, reported an adviser to Donald Trump. Consequently, Trump still refuses to acknowledge as a reality that he is about to lose the election. Thus, those acting on the president include people from Trump’s “inner circle,” including his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. So far it seems they have been unsuccessful. A tradition in American politics is that the loser in a presidential election admits defeat before the winner is made public.

  • DieterHoss

  • DieterHoss

    Outside the Clark County Elections Center, Nevada, to which Las Vegas belongs, A long line of voters has formed, asking to re-identify themselves. As they say, it is used to review the votes cast. The process it’s not unusual they say, and serves in the current situation, in which Donald Trump questions the election, for the purpose of proving beyond any doubt that the election and scrutiny were carried out correctly.

  • DieterHoss

    There are some new numbers: After that Joe got Biden according to CNN extended his fine lead in Georgia a bit. He is now ahead of Donald Trump with 4,263 votes. Nothing to make the previously announced count superfluous.

  • DieterHoss

    As the count continues and Republicans want the Supreme Court to stop those charges, By all accounts, there was no evidence or evidence that there was massive voter fraud, as Donald Trump claims, that day. Have against the competent authorities especially in the decisive states of Georgia and Pennsylvania He repeatedly emphasizes that they count and control carefully and that is why it is counted for so long.

  • DieterHoss

    With a smug and humorous tweet, former Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen recommended an honorable farewell to US President Donald Trump from the White House. Rasmussen wrote to Trump’s Twitter address: “Just a little piece of advice … This is the right way to leave an office with honor after losing an election.” Additionally, Rasmussen posted a photo showing him leaving Parliament in Copenhagen after handing over the post to his successor Mette Frederiksen last year. The conservative-liberal politician politely combined his “little advice” with a “Thank you for the honest discussions of the last four years.” He also asked Trump to stay in touch with him.
