2020 U.S. Election Live: Georgia Recount Announced – Pelosi Names Biden President Elect


2020 U.S. elections
Georgia Count Announced: Pelosi Names Biden President Elect

Trump’s statements in the video: “If illegal votes count, they could steal our victory from us”

In a speech Thursday night, US President Donald Trump spoke of large-scale electoral fraud without providing evidence: “If you count the legal votes, we win easily. If you count the illegal votes, you could try to win us stealing. If you count the votes that came too late, we’ll take a closer look. Many voices came too late. ” “They were knowingly wrong. There were numbers that were ridiculous and everyone knew it at the time. There was no blue wave as they predicted. That was wrong, it was said to suppress us. Actually, there was a red wave.” Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden have been so close recently that no winner of Tuesday’s presidential election has been determined. However, according to the main US broadcaster, Trump’s leadership in the ongoing count has melted in some major states like Pennsylvania. Experts blamed mail-in vote counting for this. Joe Biden said Thursday: “It is the will of the electorate, and no one else, to determine who will become president of the United States. Every vote must be counted.” “Democracy is sometimes chaotic. Sometimes it requires a little patience. But this patience has been rewarded for more than 240 years with a system of government that the whole world envies us.” “We have no doubt that Senator Harris and I will win in the end. So I urge everyone to stay calm, stay calm.” In a Reuters / Ipsos poll, 16 percent of US citizens said they believed Trump’s statement that he won the election. The ratio is 30 percent for Republicans and 7 percent for Democrats. Therefore, the vast majority reject the controversial statement.


Who can make the decision for themselves? There is a lot to be said for challenger Joe Biden right now. But his rival pulls out all the legal stops. The developments in the US elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. But it is not yet clear who won the race. Not many votes have been counted yet. Will incumbent Donald Trump be re-elected after four years? Or will challenger Joe Biden of the Democrats win the race? Biden is currently leading and getting closer and closer to the big goal. But the current Trump has made it clear once again, without any evidence, that he considers the election to be a fraud and will challenge it in court.

Who will win? Read here when to expect the latest results:

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    If Donald Trump loses the election and has to leave the White House in January, apparently Twitter wants to withdraw his special status. The US group has confirmed this to the Bloomberg media service. So far, Trump has benefited from an exemption for senior government officials. This means that if the president violates Twitter guidelines, he does not face the same penalties as “normal” users, such as an account lockdown. Instead, Twitter has repeatedly hidden tweets from Trump behind a warning in recent days, for example because he spoke of “voter fraud” without evidence. The divisibility of posts was also limited.

  • Ellen ivits

    Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign team will have a chance to win the US elections. forced removal of incumbent Donald Trump from the White House put into play. “The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting intruders from the White House,” spokesman Andrew Bates said, according to media reports. He was responding to fears that Trump might not admit imminent electoral defeat. Biden himself had made a similar statement weeks ago.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    Roy Blunt, a senator from Missouri and a member of the Senate Republican leadership, said President Trump has the right to have all valid votes recounted. However, the president must be consistent, he cautioned:

    You cannot stop counting in one state and at the same time choose to resume it in another state. You may want the system to work this way, but this is not how it works.

    Blunt hopes that the final result of the election will not be accounted for for the next 10 days.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    New Arizona Intermediate Result: In the major district of Maricopa County, May Donald trump they currently benefit slightly more from the other votes counted than Joe Biden. According to election expert Nate Silver (“FiveThirtyEight”), this will no longer help the president. Overall, Biden is still currently leading in Arizona by more than 40,000 votes.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, announces that she is preparing for a new head in the White House:

    We don’t win every fight in the house. But we won the war.

    “Now we are preparing for the new Biden government,” Pelosi told reporters. He condemned the downplaying of the coronavirus by the Trump administration. “The Corona aid package will be the heart of our work,” the spokeswoman said.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    There will be another vote recount in Georgia. The minister of state responsible for the election announced according to CNN. “With so little margin there will be a recount in Georgia,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said.
    Few ballots remain to be counted in the state. Gabriel Sterling, manager of the state’s electoral system, told a news conference Friday morning (local time) that only 4,169 ballots remained in a handful of counties.

  • Marc drewello

    Trump critic and film star Alyssa Milano points out that an election victory for Biden a historical first bring:

  • Tim schulze

    The first images of people celebrating Joe Biden’s possible victory are on Twitter. A reporter delivered these recordings from Philadelphia, the city where citizens voted for Joe Biden by a large majority.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    Given the current leadership of Joe Biden, his campaign team is increasingly combative. Andrew Bates, spokesman for Biden’s team, said:

    As we said on July 19, the American people will make this choice. And the United States government is quite capable of escorting intruders out of the White House.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    If Joe Biden announces his election victory today, he will have a long list of calls to make.. And one of the most important conversations you could have is with Mitch McConnell, Republican Majority Leader in the Senate. According to CNN, advisers on both sides expect the call to come later in the day. Given that McConnell is likely to remain the Senate Majority Leader, he will play a key role in passing Biden’s possible cabinet.

  • Ellen ivits

    Trump’s inner circle is allegedly looking for someone to teach Trump that he will not remain president, reports CNN. Among other things, there is a speech by son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka Trump. Republicans should now also consider how they explain this fact to Trump, writes “The New York Times.” There are considerations that advise you to take it easy, which would be good for your family and your business.

  • Weichert rune

    Joe Biden continues to expand his leadership in Pennsylvania. His lead now stands at 6,737 votes, as CNN figures show. The lead increased to 6817 in a very short time.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    As media companies around the world prepare to announce Biden’s possible election victory, Fox News according to CNN reporter Oliver Darcy Biden in the event of his win nicht “president-elect” – “President-elect” – name.
    Fox News is considered to be Trump’s bull market, but in recent days the conservative broadcaster has increasingly distanced himself from Trump’s demands to stop the count.

  • Ellen ivits

    Trump’s team released a statement: “This election is not over yet. The false predictions declaring Joe Biden the winner are based on results in four states that are far from the bottom line, “the statement said. Trump’s senior campaign adviser, Matthew Morgan.

  • Tim schulze

    On the subject of electoral fraud: According to the New York Times, all vote-by-mail ballots in Pennsylvania that were mailed after November 3 will be sorted. Of course, these are invalid votes.
