You couldn’t go trick-or-treating on Halloween


The official pointed out on Blu Radio that Halloween should not be celebrated even at large family gatherings; sonly with the family nucleus and inside the houses, to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

“I would say Halloween without parties, Halloween without crowds, Halloween without extended family gatherings. Halloween in the house, and not in the mall; that does not make sense at the moment, ”said the Minister of Health.

Ruiz added on the station that, depending on the situation that arises in each city in the country, the mayors may dictate measures such as the curfew, which has already been decreed in Ibagué, for this October 31.

The Ministry of Health indicates that it would be a risk for people to go from house to house asking for sweets, since COVID-19 is still present in the country.

“We discussed the issue in the advisory committee, and the approach is not to allow exits, nor to manage the mobilization of people in the street looking for sweets because what can be called supercontagators is generated for us, that is, people who go from house to house, and it will be transmitted [el virus]; that cannot happen ”, he added.

Although the government predicts a second wave of coronavirus cases, Ruiz says it is uncertain when it will occur. However, weeks ago, the Health portfolio indicated that this second peak would occur between November and December.

The same was pointed out by Mayor Claudia López who recognized that it will be inevitable thatIncrease COVID-19 Cases on Christmas Eve, because many families are going to get together to celebrate.

He even assured that there would be another regrowth the other year, in February, much less than those of this 2020.
