“Yerry Mina is the one who is going to help James Rodríguez in Everton, for his positivity and joy”


Gerardo Pelusso chatted with GolCaracol.com about Yerry Mina, one of his pupils in Santa Fe, a fundamental pillar for the South American Cup, in 2015, and who is currently at Everton, sharing a team with James Rodríguez.

The game analysis course taught by Gerardo Pelusso, with guests such as ‘Pacho’ Maturana

The former Uruguayan coach, with a successful time in Colombian football, recalled several moments lived with the central defender, whom he considers his son.

In addition, Pelusso was encouraged to comment on what the Mina-James partnership will be at Everton in England, both on and off the court.

What do you have to say about Yerry Mina?

“As a player I am not going to discover anything, I am not going to say anything that people do not know, as a person it is even better. I was lucky enough to meet his parents, unbelievably when we were champions of the South American, which was crazy that night Bogotá, on the bus I got my mother, a charming person, I met the father, the uncle who knows the process, to the brother; he has a wonderful family. We always talk to each other, when he plays important games he calls me. I’ve always been there. I always say that it is as if it belongs to the family, between a joke and a reality it is like the black son that I did not have, I love him very much, I know his story. When he has had hard moments, I am always with him, in fact with the majority of footballers from that Santa Fe. I give a voice of encouragement and I have a memory with them ”.

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What advice has he given you?

“We always talk about everything, about the good, the bad, the difficult moments, but something funny, from an anecdote that I have with him, is that in the World Cup he was going to play the first game and had a muscular discomfort, he called me and told me He said that he did not know whether to tell Pékerman, I told him I had to tell him, because it is a World Cup, you could not play physically inferior, when you risk the prestige of your entire career. And so he did and did not play. In the second game he called me and said “I’m fine my teacher, I’m ten points and it’s my turn to score Lewandowski.” I told him to grab it and the first time you grind it, you disappear it. That when I look at you and see a two-meter black man, he doesn’t come any closer, that’s how it gave him morale ”.

What do you think of Yerry Mina’s difficult moment at Barcelona?

“He played a great World Cup, he showed what he can play. In Barcelona he could not shine because there it is terror, there Messi, Suárez, Neymar have saved them, imagine, there they let Dani Alves go to play with Semedo, they are not understanding anything there. I am sorry for Yerry that, but it was not a place for him, there are places that are not, it no longer happened.

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How do you see him in his process at Everton?

“There it has been more due to injuries. He is precise when he is playing well, but he has a coach who shares his way of being, his way of thinking, Ancelotti is Italian, he is something else ”.

Will the arrival of James Rodríguez at Everton help Yerry Mina?

“It will serve him well, I have never been in an English dressing room, with a culture like that, but having a compatriot, a friend with the same customs; that helps a lot. You know, the arrival of James Rodríguez is going to help but more than anything I think Yerry is going to help him, it is going to be the other way around because James needs to play, have continuity, assert himself. There, it will feel good about Mina’s character, because he is very special, funny, positive, that will be good for James ”.
