Jesus the Risen loves us without limits


By presiding over the celebration of the Easter Vigil 2021 this Saturday, April 3, Pope Francis assured that “the Risen One lives and governs history.”

At the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter’s Basilica, in the ceremony that began at 7:30 pm (Rome time), the Holy Father remarked that Jesus “has established his presence in the heart of the world and invites us also to us to overcome barriers, to overcome prejudices, to get closer to those who are with us every day, to rediscover the grace of everyday life ”.

“With Him, life will change. Because beyond all defeat, evil and violence, beyond all suffering and beyond death, the Risen One lives and governs history ”, he said.

The Pope noted that when meeting the disciples in Galilee, “the Risen One says to them: ‘Let us start over from where we started. Let’s start over. I want you back with me, despite and beyond all failures. ‘

“In this Galilee we experience the amazement produced by the infinite love of the Lord, who traces new paths within the paths of our defeats,” he said.

“It is always possible to start over, because there is a new life that God is able to restart in us beyond all our failures,” he added.

The Holy Father stressed that “even from the rubble of our heart, and each one knows the miseries of our heart, God can build a work of art, even from the ruined remains of our humanity God prepares a new history.”

“He always precedes us: on the cross of suffering, desolation and death, as well as in the glory of a life that resurfaces, of a history that changes, of a hope that is reborn,” he stressed.

“And in these dark months of the pandemic we hear the risen Lord inviting us to start over, never to lose hope,” he said.

The Pope also stressed that “faith is not a repertoire of the past, Jesus is not an obsolete character. He is alive, here and now ”.

Jesus, he continued, “walk with you every day, in the situation that you have to live, in the trial that you are going through, in the dreams that you carry within.”

“Even if everything seems lost, let yourself be surprised by its novelty: it will surprise you,” he said.

“Brother, sister, if tonight your heart goes through a dark hour, a day that has not yet dawned, a buried light, a shattered dream, open your heart in amazement to the announcement of Easter: ‘Do not be afraid, He rose again ! He awaits you in Galilee, ‘”he encouraged.

“Your expectations will not be unfulfilled, your tears will be wiped away, your fears will be overcome by hope. Because the Lord precedes you, He walks before you. And, with Him, life begins anew ”, he concluded.
