Wuhan (China) celebrated the arrival of 2021


Wuhan (China) makes almost normal life and its residents left behind their toughest year.

In the last hours of the year, a couple takes wedding photos in front of the Yantsé River while dozens of people take the ferry after work and, at night, a concert hall is packed with young people.

In the Luxiang neighborhood, where several faculties such as Science and Technology are located, about 300 people filled the Vox room to listen to a local group, Happy Wheel, which mixes rock and electronic music for the enjoyment of the spectators, most of them teenagers and college students.

Some wore a mask, others decided not to wear it: “There are no cases in Wuhan anymore, there is no need. But many people take it as a precaution, because if the virus has taught us something, it is that you cannot be trusted. In Wuhan we don’t want to screw up again, ”says Xue, one of the young people attending the concert.

Xue explains that a recent study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the Asian country, according to which 4.4% of Wuhan have coronavirus antibodies, reflects that, “taking into account that Wuhan has 11 million inhabitants, I would suppose that half a million were infected ”.

“That is ten times the official figure. You can’t trust yourself, ”he says.

Tribute to the doctor who warned about the pandemic

“Wuhan!” Exclaims the singer at the beginning of the performance, causing the ecstasy of the masses. After a few minutes, people start dancing, jumping, and doing circles throughout the room.

The most emotional moment occurs when, at a given moment during the performance, a screen projects Chinese characters with the biography of Li Wenliang, the ophthalmologist who, just now a year ago, was reprimanded by the local police after alerting his colleagues that the hospital where he worked had a group of patients with symptoms of pneumonia similar to SARS, a disease that struck China in 2003.

Li was reprimanded for “spreading rumors” and forced to sign a letter acknowledging his “mistake”. Later, Li himself contracted the virus and died in early February, sparking a wave of tributes and criticism on Chinese social media for the actions of the authorities in trying to silence him.

The projection of his biography provokes the cheers of the public: “For the Wuhanese, especially the youngest, Li is a symbol because he dared to sound the alarm when the authorities did not know how to react. We will always remember you“Says one of the attendees.

These are some images left by the celebration in that Chinese city that gained importance due to the pandemic that still plagues the world:


With information from EFE.
