Women who provided sexual services by boat that arrived in San Andrés could have coronavirus


They were in the Whisper at the beginning of May, taking advantage of the fact that it was not guarded and that at that time it was not known that the crew were infected.

The boat arrived in San Andrés on May 6 and, according to authorities, the captain did not report in a timely manner about the health problems that one of the sailors had.

They only found out about the situation when he passed away.

It was at this time that personnel from the Ministry of Health and men from the Navy got on the boat to do the body survey and the chain of infection began on the island of San Andrés, where 21 cases have already been reported.

San Andres Governor Everth Hawkins also reported that sex workers may have been infected when boarding the ship.

“It is the normal practice, there are women who live from that and of course nobody is going to be the exception and we are totally convinced that after there was no night custody by anyone because many people could be there,” he said.

Given the increase in cases of coronavirus in San Andrés and Providencia, a curfew was decreed as of that Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. from Thursday.

“And every day it will be like this because it is our responsibility to prevent people from relaxing,” said the governor.

The Whisper boat has already been removed from the bay by the harbor master and taken to a mooring area near the aquarium to avoid contact with other boats.
