Woman murdered her 81-year-old mother and there is an audio as evidence


According to the Clarín newspaper, an investigator of the crime of Nora Blanca Rodríguez said that the audio, which was recorded by a neighbor, is terrifying and incriminates Pérez, 49.

“You hear the screams, the beatings and the pleas of the mother. Even the victim told her daughter everything she wanted to hear, and still kept hitting her, “the officer said about the audio to that medium.

Neighbors told authorities that Gilda Analía Pérez’s mistreatment of her mother was constant, but that she never stopped because the same old woman did not promote the complaints against her daughter, details the Argentine newspaper.

When the police arrived at the scene, after being alerted by the neighbors, who were listening to the brutal beating, they found the accused at the door of the house and her mother’s body, lifeless, naked and next to the bed, says Clarín.

The autopsy report found that the 81-year-old woman had been beaten to death. Had multiple bruises and trauma throughout the body, especially the head, with a skull fracture, publishes the same newspaper.


The officers who came to the Villa Diamante house captured Gilda Analía Pérez, who has addiction problems, and now they are investigating if there is any suspect of wanting to help her get rid of the body, according to the same uniformed personnel. “she was about to elope or waiting for someone to come and help her to discard the corpse

“We will know when we can access the calls and messages on his cell phone,” the same researcher who had access to the terrifying audio provided by the neighbors told Clarín.

Mariela Bonafine, the prosecutor in charge of this heinous case, noted that Pérez will be accused by the crime of “homicide aggravated by the bond”, for which he could pay up to a life sentence.

“In the house we do not kidnap (find) drugs. We do not rule out that abstinence was a factor in this murder. In times of quarantine like this, addicts have difficulties in obtaining the drug and this generates crises and overflows within the family.“A police source to Clarín finished.
