Woman attacked with chemical substance in front of TM station


The attack against the woman, who was not identified, took place this Friday morning, in the south of Bogotareported Blu Radio.

At the moment, the identity of the aggressor has not been confirmed, nor has it been specified what was the substance with which the woman was attacked near the bus stop. Transmilenio.

The Secretariat for Women rejected the act and said that the victim is being attended to, accompanied and advised after the fact gender violence.

Secretary Diana Rodríguez Franco said that this case represents “One of the worst violence against women”, as it leaves consequences on the physical and mental health of the victims.

The District added that offenders of this type are they can face penalties ranging from 30 to 50 years in prison. And it is that the injuries caused with chemical agents they do not have the benefits of conditional suspension of the execution of the sentence or of house arrest.

The aggressor is not known

Despite the fact that the attack was confirmed by the station and for the same District, there are several questions in the air. While the administration said it is accompanying the woman, his state of health has not been mentioned.

Nor has the aggressor been identified, no mention of which substance he used nor have the motives of the attack been specified.

Until now, there has been no talk of arrests or operations. The only thing that has been confirmed is that it all happened at the General Santander Transmilenio station.

The location of the attack site:

The statement from the Mayor’s Office:
