With 30 bars the reopening pilot will start


The District of Barranquilla gave the green light for the pilot plan for the bars, after being closed since the end of March due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The decision of the responsible and safe gradual reopening of that sector, as of October 1, was made in consultation with the national government after an analysis of the health indicators in the city.

On this issue, the district secretary for Economic Development, Ricardo Plata, assured that they have been working hand in hand with the union leaders, to whom all the self-care measures were socialized.

He indicated that there are more than 1,200 establishments that belong to this sector of the economy and that the pilot will start with a group of 30 bars, which must demonstrate a “better implementation of the biosecurity protocol.”

He stressed that, depending on the results and public health indicators, they will continue with the gradual evaluation and authorization of other establishments.

Ricardo Plata pointed out that the socialization and pedagogy of the pilot has had the support of the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce and the Simón Bolívar University.

He assured that for this sector there will be a strict surveillance of the spaces, so that by not complying with it they will be able to withdraw the clients from the establishment.

Bars waiting

EL HERALDO contacted some owners and / or managers of bars and they assured that the news of the pilot fills them with expectations, since remaining without working has cost them a lot of money and even the definitive closure for others.

Robinson Albor, owner of El Rancho Currambero, assured that despite the fact that they were operating with the restaurant, initially, through homes and then in person, the approval of the sale of liquor in the establishment was lacking to mitigate losses.

“We are aware that this is not going to be full (income from the sale of liquor), but it relieves us to try to reactivate our economy,” he said.

Regarding the occupation, he stated that he is allowed a capacity of 30%.

Gary Pastrana, a partner at El Cervecero, indicated that they relied on the ARL for the adoption of the biosafety protocols and that they have the biosafety elements ready, such as taking the temperature, registering clients, spacing between tables, antibacterial gel, and sinks. and disinfection mats.

For his part, Carlos Guerra, owner of El Bom Bín, pointed out that being able to open bars is “being able to save businesses in Barranquilla”.

He assured that the last few months have been “too hard” because they have not had support with the payment of employee salaries.

He pointed out that in order to start the business, the liquor assets had to be spent, since having a good inventory is expensive.


The Mayor’s Office enabled the registration of the biosafety protocol from the first of September through the economic reactivation portal: https://www.barranquilla.gov.co/salud/coronavirus/registro-de-protocolo-de-bioseguridad and extended the term until next September 27.

He indicated that after the date a pre-selection will be made based on the evaluation and supports of the biosafety protocol, and from September 26 to 30, the team of validators from the Ministry of Economic Development will verify the implementation of the self-care measures.

Finally, the 30 establishments in which there is evidence of greater compliance with the measures will be authorized to open from October.

To keep in mind

  • Reserve management is promoted, in order to maintain control over capacity. The maximum time spent in the establishment will be 2 hours.
  • The demarcation of the circulation areas and the distance between tables and / or customers at the bar must be at least 2 meters. Up to 6 people per table will be allowed, as long as said distancing is met.
  • The use of stamps on the skin of customers is not allowed. In the case of using handles, they must be for single use.
  • Avoid the provision of food and products in bars; Tasting practices are not allowed.
  • Dancing is not allowed. The space of the premises must be used for the adaptation of tables.
  • Liquor bottles must be disinfected before being delivered to customers, and the necessary items for individual consumption (glasses, glasses, ice, cooler, napkins) must be made available.
  • The use of decoration, ballot throwing, confetti, foams or other elements that could become a source of contagion is not allowed.
