Will there be a curfew in Cali after Halloween caravans? This is what the authorities say


October 31, 2020 – 10:21 am

Newsroom of El País

Despite the fact that in the last hours massive caravans were made, which were prohibited during this weekend by a decree issued by the Mayor’s Office, the authorities do not contemplate establishing a curfew in Cali.

Guillermo Londoño, Undersecretary of Security Policy, ruled out new restrictive measures, although images are circulating calling for more caravans for this Saturday, October 31, the day of the Halloween celebration.

Also read: They made Halloween caravans in Cali this Friday despite bans by covid-19

“We have not contemplated it (the curfew). Our capacities are in the territory. We have to tell the people of Cali that we are not going to let ourselves be won by that perception of disorder,” he said.

In addition, the official recalled that citizens who are caught in these caravans will be subject to fines and sanctions.

“They can have millionaire fines. Whoever puts the lives of Caleños at risk due to crowds can also be prosecuted before the Prosecutor’s Office,” he said.

It may interest you: Four points to keep in mind during this Halloween in Cali

On the night of this Friday, masked and disguised citizens moved aboard motorcycles along important streets of the city such as streets 5 and 9, Carrera 66, Avenida de las Américas and Sexta, and the Suroriental Highway.

For his part, the Secretary of Security and Justice, Carlos Alberto Rojas, considered that the majority of citizens have behaved well and that because of a “minority that defies authority” rules cannot be applied “for everyone.”

“Why punish restaurant and nightclub owners with a curfew and prohibition when we know that there is a great effort to recover the economy?”

The path, Rojas said, must be another. “We must identify those responsible and proceed with the sanctions. There has been enough education, pedagogy and a call for awareness.”

Meanwhile, the head of the Department of Security and Justice promised to increase the control mechanisms to avoid new disorders.

Cali registers 60,490 cases of covid-19 and 1,912 deaths associated with the virus since the beginning of the pandemic, according to figures from the Departmental Secretariat of Health.
