WHO cautions that there is no evidence that people who had coronaviruses are immune to a second infection


(CNN) – The World Health Organization cautions that people who have had coronaviruses are not necessarily immune because of the presence of antibodies to contract the virus again.

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“There is still no evidence that people who have had covid-19 do not get a second infection,” the WHO said in a new scientific report.

The WHO issues a warning to governments that issue “immunity passports” to people who have had covid-19, assuming they are safe to resume normal life.

“At this point in the pandemic, there is insufficient evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to ensure the accuracy of a ‘immunity passport’ or ‘risk-free certificate,'” the report says.

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The WHO published these data as a guide for adjusting public health and social measures for the next phase of the covid-19 response.

“People who assume they are immune to a second infection because they have received a positive test result may ignore public health advice. Therefore, such certificates can increase the risks of continuous transmission, “reported the WHO.

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The health agency says it is reviewing evidence about antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the covid-19 infection. The report says “most” of the studies show that people who have “recovered from an infection have antibodies to the virus.”

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But until yesterday, no study has “evaluated whether the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 confers immunity to subsequent infection by this virus in humans.
