Which public workers should go in person and which should be at home – Congress – Politics


Before him progressive return of different public entities to face-to-face work, the Department for Public Function issued some rules that must be met in this process.

For some weeks, several public workers have been summoned to work in person, which has generated, in some cases, union protests from various sectors.

The summons to public workers has been made based on the decrees that indicate that they are exempt from quarantine, as long as their tasks are aimed at attending to the coronavirus emergency or their work is essential in the State.

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This is how ministers, mayors and governors in various parts of the country have been able to take to the streets.

To avoid confusion, the Department of Public Function set rules that apply so much to work at home for those who continue to do so as for those who are going to do it in person.

The first thing that the director of this entity, Fernando Grillo, made clear is the condition that public organizations that convene activities in person must meet.

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“About going back to physical spaces, It is an autonomous decision of each entity if it returns to the physical headquarters or continues to work at home. What is mandatory for any entity that decides to return is to implement, adopt and adapt the protocols of the Ministry of Health, ”said Grillo.

The entities have never stopped providing the service. It is important to clarify that we have reinvented public administration and have adapted it in this contingency.

On the exceptions of face-to-face work, The official assured that “the” over 60 years old, pregnant women will continue to provide services ” and those with pre-existing morbidities identified as risk factors for covid-19 ”.

This means, in Grillo’s words, “people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke-CVA, HIV, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-Epoc and obesity.”

For those who must work at home, each public entity must establish monitoring instruments for the activities carried out, which, according to the circular issued by the Public Function, “must be directly related to the functions of employment and to what is agreed in the performance evaluation.”

The rules

For face-to-face work, public entities must comply with a series of regulations that are in accordance with the protection measures that the authorities have taken.

They are between them implement shifts, define the elements of personal protection and provide them to all servers and contractors, and develop and implement a permanent workplace cleaning and disinfection protocol.

Additionally, it must install the necessary signage in common areas to define social distancing and meetings should be limited and face-to-face events, except in exceptional cases, in which the number of attendees and the time of the meeting must be restricted.

Public entities are also called to encourage the use of alternative and individual means of transport such as bicycles, motorcycles or their own vehicles, and to establish, in coordination with the Professional Risk Administrators (ARL), the measures that advise and provide continuous support. to meet the needs of occupational risk control.

It is expected that in the coming weeks more public workers will be integrated to their activities in person and those who must do it at home, keep doing it.

