What you should know about the orange alert in Kennedy, the town with the most covid-19


This is the x-ray of the town of Kennedy, which from May 9 to 23 will go on orange alert as it is the one that registers the most cases of coronavirus in Bogotá.

May 8, 2020 8:16 PMBy: canalrcn.com

The town of Kennedy, south of Bogotá, is the one with the highest number of infections in the capital of the Republic, with 667. The population most affected by the virus ranges from 20 to 39 years in total: 265 cases in this age range.

In Kennedy, there are a total of 340 infected men and 327 women. As for the number of people who have died from the virus, there are already 31.

See also: Learn about the new measures that will work from Monday in Bogotá

If you live in the following neighborhoods you must comply a estric strict quarantine ’: Villa Alsace, Marseille, El Tintal, Patio Bonito, Tayrona and María Paz.

Mayor Claudia López listed five exceptions to quarantine in these neighborhoods in southwestern Bogotá: buying food, a medical emergency, reporting violence, bank diligence, and removing the pet.

She was also emphatic that Those who live in these neighborhoods will not be able to attend work in person, not even in the sectors that recently had an economic reopening such as construction and manufacturing.

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In this area there will be epidemiological surveillance, testing, targeted help, permanent health brigades, the presence of coexistence managers and constant patrols of the Police and the National Army.
