What the private sector asks the Mayor after Fortich resigns | THE UNIVERSAL


Before the resignation of the director of the Dadis, Álvaro Fortich, in the midst of what until now is the hardest stage of the coronavirus in the city, the Bolivarian Guild Council also referred to the situation and asked the mayor of Cartagena, William Dau Chamatt, that definitive solutions be established to overcome the crisis caused by the virus.

Thus, this association, which brings together the main trade union organizations in the region, indicated that it is important for it to be known, by those who are attending to the management of the health crisis, the definitive investment plan and the schedule for implementation in the network. hospital that works in the city, which guarantees adequate care for citizens.

“Given the resignation of the director of the Dadis, Dr. Álvaro Fortich, whom we thank for his work for the city and the willingness to work together with the private sector in order to ward off the situation we are going through, it is imperative that it be known who will lead this portfolio and what is the plan to follow, so that the city can float at this juncture. We cannot afford to not have for a long time someone to manage and ensure the health of Cartagena, in the midst of the worst health crisis of our time.

“As representatives of the private sector, we have insisted on prioritizing actions to strengthen and enable the hospital network to care for COVID-19 in the city, this being the main function of the District Administrative Department of Health (Dadis). For this reason, we express our concern in time for the additional burden placed on this secretariat, by entrusting it with the approval of biosafety protocols for the reactivation of economic sectors. We continue to draw attention to not continuing to entrust more functions to that unit, further overflowing its institutional capacities, ”the Bolivar Union Council officially indicated.

Likewise, this association pointed out that the priority cannot be lost at the moment, which is to guarantee the health and life of the people of Cartagena.

“The entire Dadis capacity must be in function of providing the hospital network with the necessary supplies to attend to this public health crisis. It is important that the decisions and actions that are taken from now on are communicated correctly and in a timely manner, so that people can accept the guidelines of the local government, without confusion and unnecessary trauma for the economic sectors and citizens. usually.

“Now that we do not have a Dadis director, it is well worth rethinking the need to have a COVID crisis coordinator, who will lead all aspects, not only those related to health, but also the social and economic aspects that this crisis has represented and will represent for the future of the city ”, concluded the Guild Council.

It should be mentioned that, on the same afternoon of this Tuesday, Mayor William Dau appointed Johana Bueno, who had been working in that department as director of Public Health, as the director in charge of the Dadis.

We will have to wait for what the mayor says about the pronouncement of the Guild Council, since it must be remembered that on other occasions he has stated that he requires a manager for the coronavirus crisis.
