What is remdesivir, the medicine that could help covid-19 patients?


(CNN Spanish) – An experimental drug used in coronavirus patients has had encouraging results and could help treat the deadly covid-19.

This is remdesivir, an antiviral drug that has been tested for years against other diseases, and has not yet been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. (FDA).

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This is what we know:

What is remdesivir?

It is an experimental drug produced by the company Gilead Sciences. The company describes it as a “nucleotide analog with broad-spectrum antiviral activity.”

The key word here is experimental, since as the company clarifies, remdesivir has not been approved for any use by any country in the world.

“It is an experimental medicine that has not been established to be safe or effective for the treatment of any condition,” they explain.

What has it been tested for?

Remdesivir was tested to combat the Ebola virus.

It has also been used against MERS and SARS, which are also coronaviruses and cause respiratory diseases similar to covid-19.

Although it had little success against Ebola, several animal studies have shown that it could help prevent and treat coronaviruses. “Remdesivir has demonstrated in vitro and in vivo activity in animal models against the viral pathogens of MERS and SARS, and this indicates that remdesivir may have potential against covid-19,” explains Gilead Sciences.

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What results have you had against covid-19?

In February, the WHO had already indicated that remdesivir showed potential against covid-19.

In a clinical study, patients who have received the drug have been recovering rapidly, STAT News, a website specializing in health news, reported Thursday, accessing a video of a conversation about the clinical trial. Some patients were able to go home in a matter of days, says STAT News.

Gilead Sciences said Wednesday it “is aware of positive data” in a study of a possible coronavirus treatment.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) studied “investigational antiviral remdesivir for the treatment of covid-19,” said Gilead.

“We understand that the trial has reached its primary objective and that NIAID will provide detailed information at an upcoming briefing,” said Gilead.

What studies are being done in coronavirus patients?

Gilead says he has two phase three clinical trials – that is, tests to see its effectiveness in adults with covid-19. About 1,000 patients from countries with high numbers of coronavirus cases will participate.

The first study will evaluate the efficacy of the substance administered in 5 and 10 days in patients with severe symptoms, also treated with standard care in these cases. The second will do it, in the same doses and with the same care in patients with moderate symptoms.

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According to Gilead Sciencies, there are other clinical trials in China, the United States, France, and others.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, there are eight active studies on the efficacy of remdesivir for patients with the new coronavirus.

The WHO has called the remdesivir results against SARS and MERS “promising,” “suggesting that it may have some effect in covid-19 patients.”

The economic impact

Shares of the company Gilead Sciences rose 5% on Monday after a WHO official’s statement that it could help treat the virus.

It is not the only experimental drug that is being tested

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Medical teams have tested various medications, with no conclusive results yet. There is not yet enough evidence that hydroxychloroquine, so promoted by President Donald Trump, is safe or effective in treating covid-19.

Studies in Brazil and Sweden have detected side effects in patients: they developed heart problems. And a study in France found that it did not fight covid-19 and was also associated with cardiac complications.

Clinical trials are also done with drugs to treat cancer and other diseases.

With information from CNN’s Maggie Fox
