What is missing for Pfizer vaccine to get the green light in the US? – USA and Canada – International


America, with 24 million cases of coronavirus, sees in the request made this Friday in the United States by the companies Pfizer and BioNTech to obtain an emergency authorization and begin to distribute their vaccine a first and concrete light that allows it to get out of the crisis health, social and economic that the pandemic generated.

(Read also: How much would vaccination against covid-19 cost in Latin America?)

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech today requested an emergency authorization from the US drug regulator (FDA) to distribute the vaccine they developed and which has been shown to be up to 95% effective in tests preliminary clinics.

But nevertheless, In order for the drug to be supplied to the population at risk starting next December, the FDA must first review the response data of the volunteers to the vaccine.a, as well as certify its safety in children, the elderly and racially diverse people.

With everything and the difficulties inherent in obtaining a cure of such importance, the announcement is a hope that grows in the world, especially in the United States itself, which already has a quarter of a million deaths from the pandemic.

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“Our work to deliver a safe and effective vaccine could not be more urgent as we continue to see alarming increases in the number of COVID-19 cases. The application in the US represents a critical milestone in our journey to deliver one. Covid-19 vaccine to the world, “said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

And it is that the numbers do not lie. On the planet there are already 56.3 million infected people and 1.3 million deaths.

(Too: Cuba faces the challenge of attracting tourists amid the pandemic)

On the planet there are already 56.3 million infected people and 1.3 million deaths

Despite this, the outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump, visibly angry today lashed out at the pharmaceutical company.

I was put here to do a job, and Pfizer and others were going ahead with vaccines, you wouldn’t have a vaccine in another four years if it weren’t for me, because the FDA would never have been able to do what it has done if I had not forced them to do it, “said the president.

More concerned about the result of the elections on November 3, in which he has not yet accepted his defeat against Democrat Joe Biden, Trump maintained that he has a theory according to which “Pfizer and others even decided not to evaluate the results of their vaccine In other words, they didn’t release a vaccine until after the elections. “

Contagions rise again

As long-awaited vaccines from Pfizer and others in the race to obtain the first antidote are being approved, several countries in the Americas are concerned that the cases are not abating.

This is the case of Brazil, the second nation in the continent with the highest number of patients, after the United States..

The South American giant walks this Friday towards 200,000 deaths from covid and is close to exceeding six million confirmed cases, at a time when the pandemic accelerates again in the country after several months of staying down.

Thus, the covid-19 leaves in Brazil a total of 168,061 fatalities and 5,981,767 confirmed cases.

Lopez Obrador

“What has been done is what we consider has produced results,” said Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

For his part, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, defended his government’s strategy against the pandemic on Friday after exceeding 100,000 deaths from the disease and having more than a million infections.

“What has been done is what we believe has produced results. It is very regrettable what has happened and the conservatives, our adversaries, wanted to use the misfortune of the people of Mexico for this pandemic to blame us“, declared the president.

So far Mexico has confirmed 100,104 deaths and 1,019,543 infections amid spikes in infections and hospitalizations.

Therefore, the sale of alcohol beyond restaurants was prohibited during the weekends in Mexico City, the capital, to alleviate a contagion curve to the “limit”.

There is also an alarm in Cuba, where the number of imported cases detected daily as positive has increased after the reopening of all the island’s airports.

In fact, this week 51 travelers who arrived infected in Cuba were confirmed and in the previous week there were 58 people with a source of infection abroad, according to the director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap), Francisco Durán.

Fear in the southern cone

Chile is also in a worrying situation, which today exceeded the fateful figure of 15,000 deaths since the start of the health crisis in March, although the pandemic has stabilized for months and economic activity is advancing mainly in the capital.

The authorities reported that the total balance rises to 537,585 infected and 15,003 deaths, which keeps Chile among the 20 most affected countries in the world.

Likewise, since March, when the first patient was confirmed, Paraguay has registered 73,639 positives, with 1,624 deaths, 52,608 recovered and 19,407 cases that remain active.

the increase in coronavirus cases in ‘recent weeks is quite worrying’

For this reason, the Paraguayan Minister of Health, Julio Mazzoleni, said that the increase in cases of coronavirus in “recent weeks is quite worrying” and once again urged citizens to comply with health protocols and put aside “any type of triumphalism “.

The data presented this Friday during the weekly press conference point to a 10% increase in cases, mainly in Asunción, the country’s capital, and the Central department.


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