What is known? Is it more contagious?


With uncertainty and concern, the world receives the news that there is a new strain of the coronavirus. After learning that several countries have restricted the entry of flights from the United Kingdom, there are many questions about this transformation.

According to a BBC report, UK advisers consider this infection to be more contagious than normal. The details are not exact yet as this research is in its initial analysis stage. Here are some specs from the British news portal:

Is the new strain more contagious?

This form of the coronavirus is faster replacing other appearances of the virus. The mutation proves to be stronger to infect cells. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, assured that this strain can be 70% more infectious. Here you can see the video of the president’s intervention on the BBC Channel on YouTube:

The mutation varied in an unusual way and its origin was in September of this year. In addition, it has spread to different countries in Europe such as the Netherlands and Denmark. It is believed that he was born to a patient who had a weak immune system and his body became an ideal environment for the virus to change.

Does the vaccine work against this new mutation?

To the relief of many, vaccines that have been approved would serve to counteract this variant. These would develop an immune response against the spike of the virus, which is the way it enters the cells of the body.

However, studies by Professor Ravi Gupta of the University of Cambridge, cited by the BBC, say that the antibodies that are generated in the blood may be less effective in fighting coronavirus.

Additionally, it is not proven if this variant is fatal, but having more infected due to the high infection rate, it causes more people to require medical attention and that hospitals and clinics collapse more easily.
