What happened at CAI Villa Luz? New statement and unpublished video of the case


A new chapter was registered this Wednesday in the case involving the death of the engineer and law student Javier Ordóñez, which occurred on September 8, allegedly at the hands of two police officers.

In the disciplinary proceeding, the patrolman Juan Camilo Lloreda, investigated for such events, revoked the power of his lawyer and requested the annulment of the process, because in his opinion his rights had been violated.

In the petition he said that the Public Ministry had not provided him with a public defender, however, the delegate attorney for the Public Force, Hermán Rincón, denied the uniformed man’s claims.

Following such request, the diligence continued with the testimony of the patrolman, also investigated, Harby Damián Rodríguez, who assured that on the night of September 9, together with Lloreda, they were notified of a fight near the CAI Villa Luz where they were assigned. who went to the place and found Javier Ordóñez, Wilder Salazar and Juan David, in a state of distress.

“When we arrived they were saying profanity to us. That we get out of there. They called us rude, thieves, tombos, go to work elsewhere, ”said Rodríguez, adding that while they waited for the three thick-built men to enter the place of residence, they continued to be insulted.

According to the patrolman’s account, “Javier comes in front of the motorcycle, he tries to tear his shirt and hits my partner in the face, on the cheekbone, and also kicks him in the knee.”

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Rodríguez affirmed that it was necessary for him to fire his endowment weapon with an impact on the floor to dissuade them “because they were bigger than me, but they hit me on the supplier holder and they broke it.”

As part of the procedure, Rodríguez assured that the taser, which was Lloreda’s endowment weapon, falls to the ground, and at that moment he proceeded to reduce it by an arm and the three fell to the ground. The patrolman stated that it was difficult to reduce Ordóñez because he was thick, approximately 1.85 centimeters and at least 90 kilos.

“I manage to handcuff him with one hand, but I can’t see the action of the taser because he was wearing the helmet, I hear that (Lloreda) operated it approximately three or four times. Besides, I did not put my knee as has been said, but my whole body. I was lame, my foot could not sit well, “said the investigated patrolman.

Rodríguez confirmed that he did not hit Ordóñez, but instead requested police support when the deceased attacked his partner today. “When we reduced it, the support arrived and the partner who did not belong to the CAI helped handcuff him.”

When they put him on the patrol, the uniformed man assured that Ordóñez was handcuffed and one foot to the chair, to prevent him from hitting himself when the vehicle moved. After this he was transferred to the CAI.

“When we arrived, the door was opened, Wilder got out by his own means, Lloreda and the other patrolman entered Ordóñez. They carried him as if lifting him, ”assured Rodríguez and confirmed that already in the Attention Center he showed that Lloreda hit Ordóñez in the stomach and ribs, to which he told him to stop doing it.

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Rodríguez assured that he was the one who realized that he was in poor health, so Lloreda removed the handcuffs to verify the situation. “I place my fingers on Javier’s nose and see that he is still breathing. We loosen Wilder’s handcuffs, I pick him up (Ordóñez) with Wilder and Juan David and we take him to the vehicle to take him to the healthcare center ”.

“We put him on the stretcher, I entered with Javier and the companions until resuscitation. There they tell me: ‘you son of a bitch, you killed him,’ ”said the patrol car who was pointed out by Wilder Salazar and Juan David of his friend’s crime.

In Rodríguez’s opinion, once Ordóñez’s death was known, his first reaction was of “despair and sadness because we did not know when that had happened”, he finished his intervention and confirmed that he is not suitable to use the taser, so that work was entrusted to the patrolman Lloreda.

The other side of the coin

Wilder Salazar, who was at Ordóñez’s side in his last moments of life, also told the attorney what happened. He assured that they were approached by “a motorized woman” and without a word they told Ordóñez that “he is not saved from this” to which, according to Wilder, Ordóñez responded to put the subpoena.

“Lloreda gets off the bike and shocks him. Damien arrives, they give him more shocks and tear his shirt. They put the knee on his neck and back. My friend Juan David and I told him to stop ”, assured Salazar.

The man, who was having a few drinks with Ordóñez that night, said the action of the taser on his friend’s humanity was disproportionate and inhuman because they were prolonged discharges of five, six, and seven seconds.

Salazar claimed that Rodríguez hit him with a blunt object. “You can see that they hit him in the face, in the face. You see a discharge in the stomach ”. He pointed out that once the patrol arrived at the scene, the uniformed men pushed Ordóñez and hit him on the head with the panel, the vehicle where he was taken to take him to the Cai.

“When I saw Javi he had blood on his face because they broke the part of his eye. He was still alive, he said – my arms and chest hurt, they don’t hurt me anymore – ”, he argued and confirmed that once they were in the Cai, there was a struggle between the uniformed men and Ordóñez in which the latter fell and hit himself with an inn that is in the place.

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“Damián Rodríguez swears at him, they punch him in the face on his back, with those blows Javier remains in a straight position and then remains in a fetal position,” said the witness and affirmed that his friend convulsed on the spot, hence the mention days ago that he had inflicted himself.

“I told Damián to take him to a hospital,” Salazar said, noting that in addition to the wounds caused by the taser, Ordóñez had bruises and swelling on his face, breasts and arms. Salazar even assured that he had a deep wound in his chest, from which blood was coming out. When they finally decided to transfer him to a health center, according to the witness, it was Juan David, his other friend, who encouraged such action.

He reported that he broke in and found Ordóñez lying on the floor with light breathing.

“JuanDa, my friend was beaten to the ground,” was one of Salazar’s reactions when he saw his other friend inside the CAI. “Juan David throws himself on the floor, tries to sit him down, puts his hand on his nose and says: he is not breathing. When I felt Javier his chest was purple, his throat was purple, he had bruises all over his body. His abdomen was purple, he was pale and cold. When I grabbed his head, his saliva was dry between his lip and tongue, ”he argued.

Salazar, according to his account, asked for an ambulance to be called, but this never happened so they had to take him on a patrol to the health center, and in the middle of the journey Salazar’s last words to Ordóñez were: “Javi, hold on. we go to the clinic ”.

“I never imagined that my friend Javier was going to die. If I had known that this was going to happen, I would act differently ”, he mentioned while continuing his story, arguing that as soon as Ordóñez was put in the wheelchair, he was disgraced“ but he had already been dead when we were on the patrol ”.

Once Ordóñez entered the emergency room, according to Salazar, no more than five minutes passed when the doctor who treated the case confirmed the death of his friend. “I’m very sorry, nothing could be done because your friend has already arrived dead,” with that statement, it is clear to the witness that his friend did not die in the clinic, or within the patrol, but within the CAI.

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What happened on video

Within the framework of the diligence, the lawyer Jorge Páramo, who defends Rodríguez’s interests, exhibited a video in which he sees the moments before the police procedure began.

In the image it is possible to see the three friends, Juan David, Javier Ordóñez and Wilder Salazar, walking towards a residential unit when they are approached by the motorized patrol. The men approach the uniformed men, exchange a conversation and continue on their way to the unit.

However, a little more than six seconds later, the uniformed men advance to where the men are, one of them, apparently, Ordóñez, approaches the patrol cars and that is where the attacks begin.

In another video, exposed, this time by the delegate of the Attorney General’s Office, Ordóñez’s entry into the CAI is evidenced, almost dragged by two soldiers.
