What did Diomedes Díaz do with the money and where did he keep it?


The last wife that ‘El Cacique de La Junta’ had – which this weekend clarified if he lives off the singer’s fortune – assured, in an Instagram post he made in August, that he used to give part of his earnings to those in need .

“Memory [Diomedes Díaz] How many thousand nights did you sing to cheer the hearts of your people and how many thousand more early mornings you came to leave your profit in the hands of those who needed your help, ”wrote Consuelo Martínez.

For this reason, the woman highlighted the singer of ‘La plata’, of which there are several myths (including sexual and curses), and pointed out that she would like the world to have at least “1%” of men “as he, although he recognized that he also had his mistakes.

These words were accompanied by the widow with three photos, where the last one is one of her with Diomedes, as can be seen below (to see all the images you have to slide or click on the arrows):

Diomedes Díaz spent his money on farms

And, although ‘el Cacique de La Junta’, whose real name became a trend again this 2020, liked to spend money helping others, he also took advantage of it to buy several properties, among which his farms or haciendas stand out. , as one of their administrators called them.

This is how you read in a 2015 article by El Heraldo, where, in the words of the media, Donaldo Mendoza, administrator of the Las Nubes de Diomedes farm, pointed out that the famous “He managed to have four farms: La Virgen del Carmen, Los Tunales, Buenos Aires and Carrizal, in the jurisdiction of La Junta, La Guajira, with more than 1,300 hectares of land, 1,000 head of cattle, machinery and crops ”.

However, in that same note, they also refer to the fact that the end of some of those properties was not so ostentatious and even, after the death of the interpreter of ‘You are the queen’, the issue of inheritance confronted their children with his ex-manger (The lawsuit was for ‘The clouds’, which cost $ 4.8 billion, reported ‘The network’ in 2019).

Also, in the newspaper they refer to a house of 1,200 million that the singer of vallenato acquired after liquidating his conjugal partnership with Patricia Acosta, and that later he sold to divide 50 and 50 in another separation, with Betsy Liliana González.

“When they separated, Diomedes civilly sued to liquidate the de facto partnership with Betsy Liliana González, with the claim to recover the house in Los Angeles and part of the silver from the farms that she had sold. [y que él le había escriturado en el pasado, mientras resolvía la separación de bienes con Patricia Acosta], but the justice favored it, based on the documents that accredited it as the owner of the property acquired previously ”, they specified in the publication.

Where did Diomedes Díaz keep his money?

In an interview with Olímpica Stéreo, Martin Elías revealed that his father’s ‘cove’ was the bed.

At least that’s what the artist of ‘Open’ discovered when he was little, because in his statement on the station he said: “My dad went on a trip, and when he left they used to clean the room and the pod. I started playing carts and once I had a cart left under his bed and, when I entered, I had never seen, that is, humbly, so much bill together”.

“My dad never had a bank, or a checkbook, or anything like that; the silver was under the mattress. He said that the bank took the money from him, that he had better have it under there [del colchón], but no one stole it from him ”, pointed out ‘el Gran’ Martín Elías, as can be heard here:
