Wellness Tips for Veterinary Students During Confinement


Veterinary students experience moments of great uncertainty due to the multiple open questions they have about how the practices will be carried out, when the exams will be done, how the evaluation criteria will be…, due to the coronavirus crisis. Therefore, all the advice they may receive at this time can be of great help to achieve their goals.

One of the main tips that stand out from Vetlife is to establish yourself reasonable goals“Although there is pressure to undertake new studies during the closure, or to be very productive while at home, this path may work for some, but it is not for everyone.”

Thus, they consider fundamental have a routine and structure the day before the many hours of studies that can be invested. “Try to create a small study area if you can in the space where you live, and then take breaks from work to get out of that space at regular times.”

“Within that structure, allow yourself at least half an hour a day of something you enjoy: playing with your pet, reading, music, art, whatever helps you lose track of time and get a mental break from everything that is happening, “they add.

In a moment of so much uncertainty, continually visiting news and social media Checking for updates can be tempting, but these actions can increase feelings of anxiety.

They also highlight the importance of Emotional Support of the environment. “The veterinary industry has faced epidemics before and we know that we became stronger together. We all need a support team in times of difficulty. Think about who in your life can find the most support and who needs your support for your difficult days, and work to maintain those relationships and support virtually. ”

On the other hand, the exercise, as far as possible, they consider it fundamental. “Try not to get too caught up in your study goals, focus on the health benefits, and enjoy exercise. There are great online classes and videos where you won’t need any kind of exercise equipment. ”


The rest, good nutrition and personal care They are important, but so is knowing when help is needed. “If you are concerned about your mental or physical health, it is important to seek help for this. Although the health services are busy, it is important to ask for help when you need it and not to leave problems until later. If your normal medical care has been affected, explore if alternatives are available, such as online consultations. ”
