Was the death of Diego Maradona prevented? Argentine justice investigates if there was negligence


The Argentine justice investigates this Friday if there was negligence around the death of the world icon Diego Maradona
: Prosecutors seek to determine if he received the necessary care and what were the circumstances of his last hours.
“There are already irregularities,” a family member told AFP.

A few hours after his death, Matías Morla, a lawyer and friend of Maradona, denounced on Thursday “that the ambulance took more than half an hour to get to the house where the 10th was“. That is why, he warned that he will go” to the end.

Vive el Gol Caracol: this weekend’s menu features three Diego Maradona games in Mexico 1986

But neither he nor any family member has appeared as a plaintiff in the case so far, a judicial source clarified to AFP.
The case was started because it is a person who died at home and no one signed the death certificate. It does not mean that there are suspicions of irregularities, that is what is being investigated, “said the source who requested anonymity.

The world champion in Mexico-1986
he died Wednesday at age 60 of “acute lung edema and chronic heart failure.” He was at home in a closed neighborhood in the town of Tigre (30 km north of Buenos Aires), where he had resided since November 11, after being discharged from the clinic where he had been operated on for a hematoma six days before. in the head.

The case opened by the San Isidro Attorney General’s Office is entitled “Maradona, Diego. Investigation of the cause of death” ‘.

“Contradictions in declaration”

“You have to see if they complied with what to do or relaxed. The nurse (on duty when the idol was determined to be dead)
She declared one thing when the prosecutor appeared on the day of Diego’s death, then expanded her statement and, at the end, came out to say that on television that what she said they forced her to say it, so there is some contradiction in her statement, “he warned to AFP the person close to the family who requested anonymity.

The prosecution awaits the results of the toxicological tests on Maradona’s body. In the framework of the investigation in which three prosecutors work, his medical records and the records of the cameras of the neighborhood where he lived his last days were required.

In the midst of the commotion that lasts this Friday among Argentines, caused outrage and repudiation of photographs that were taken
three employees hired by the funeral home, next to Maradona’s open casket. The portraits that went viral on social media show them with their thumbs raised and smiling. Morla promised to prosecute the guilty.

The last hours

Witnesses have already begun to parade in the prosecution. “It was established that (a nurse in charge of taking care of him) would have been the last person to see him alive at approximately 6:30 in the morning (Wednesday), at the time of the changing of the guard, “said a statement from the prosecution.

In his testimony given on Thursday, the nurse “He reported finding him (Maradona) resting in his bed, ensuring that he was sleeping and breathing normally. “

Until this statement, she thought that the last person who had seen him alive was his nephew Johnny Herrera, at 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday, according to his testimony.

That is, almost 12 hours before his death. His lawyer declared himself indignant and denounced this “criminal idiocy”.
In addition, the nurse present at the time of death expanded her testimony. “He said that at 7:30 a.m. he would have heard him move inside the room,” said the party.

At first the woman, who took the morning shift, He had said that at 11 am he saw him asleep
And he did not want to bother him, he preferred to wait for the arrival at noon of the psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov and the psychologist Carlos Díaz.

It was Cosachov and Díaz, who noticed that Maradona did not react. There the calls for help began. A neighborhood doctor tried to revive him.

The first call to Maradona’s prepaid medicine company was made at 12:17 p.m. A minute earlier, a 911 call made by Maradona’s personal physician, Leopoldo Luque, was recorded.

The first ambulance arrived at 12:27 p.m. The entry of other ambulances was then observed, the prosecution said.

Poor health

The location of the house for the rehabilitation of Maradona she had been chosen to be close to her daughters.

After surgery, the recovery was good, according to his doctor Luque. But Maradona’s health was precarious
for his heart history. He was going through abstinence from the alcohol consumption that he used to mix with the many prescription drugs he took.

“Diego was discharged and later, although the clinic recommended that he go to another place to be admitted, the family decided not to. In fact, the daughters signed the discharge from the hospital,” said the relative of the family.

The world champion in Mexico-1986, who was at least twice on the verge of death in 2000 and 2004, had been seen very poorly on October 30, in his last public appearance on the gymnastics court, on his 60th birthday.

Josep Blatter and Michel Platini, accused of “fraud” and “breach of trust”, in Switzerland
