Vigilante was forced to live a month in the building where she worked


A 52-year-old woman, identified as Edy Fonseca, who worked as a security guard in a residential building in the Rosales neighborhood of northern Bogotá, was forced to live for a month in their workplace, as Fonseca itself denounced last Wednesday.

The woman said that she was forced by her bosses to be in the building without leaving for a month because they argued that these were the guidelines of the National Government.

Fonseca, who had been working in the building for a year, afflicts serious health problems for the incredible fact.

According to Edy, on Wednesday March 25, after finishing her work shift, she was contacted by her bosses around 11:00 in the morning, to return to her place of work, arguing that one of the companions had been absent due to a personal problem.

The woman He denounced that in that call they asked him if he had an inflatable mattress or something with which he could assimilate a mattress, so she brought a bedcover. Upon returning to the building, around 5:00 pm on that March 25, the president of the council of the residential unit lowered a sofa for him to sleep in the reception.

To Fonseca, the individual told him that he should sleep there because it was the presidential orders and that he would give 15 thousand pesos for their daily diet. The place where he stayed only had a bathroom, in which there was no water, so he had to wash himself with a bucket.

After a few days, Fonseca asked to return home to see his daughter, but his request was denied.. “I didn’t understand why they wouldn’t let me go to my house, if residents and residents came and went all day, then why couldn’t I go out?” Said the worker, who supports your complaints with WhatsApp conversations.

Not even Edy’s nephew’s death was reason enough for Fonseca to leave the building. According to the woman, it was the only watchman who worked under those conditions.

The health problems did not take long and days later Fonseca was also affected by his emotional stability. “I fell into depression, I got stressed, my sugar rose. I told them I was sick, but they did nothing. A resident who is a doctor one day saw me badly, so she bought me a serum and some pasta. That helped me for like two days. “

On April 23, almost a month after starting to live in the building, Fonseca felt really sick. The daughter of a resident noted her condition and her father decided to call the emergency line.

It was not be for lowerly, Fonseca went into a diabetic coma, had high blood sugar, facial paralysis and was unable to breathe. In this situation, the president of the council decided to fire her, arguing that “he had gotten them into trouble.”

Fonseca is currently recovering at home from all health conditions.

Nixon Forero, the woman’s attorney, said the fact that one of the residents called 123 was what “saved them”. He assured that it was not homicide, but “personal injuries because they gave rise to all that and there was also psychological coercion”:

Too criticized that they only gave him 15 thousand pesos to feed, considering that the area in which they live is stratum 6, so the money is little.

Forero added that “they were very close to the kidnapping, but that has to be defined by a prosecutor because for that the retention of the person is not enough and he had it withheld ”.

It should be noted that the people who work in security are among the exceptions provided by the National Government during mandatory preventive isolation, so she was empowered to return home.

Forero sentenced that would process a complaint to the Ministry of Labor and the Superintendency of Surveillance, where the unit already has a complaint about irregularities in hiring wardens and could now pay a fine of up to $ 50 million.
