Video of the rescue of three miners in Tuta, Boyacá


As a miracle, this is how many catalog what happened to the three Colombian miners who remained trapped 40 meters deep for three days after a collapse in a sinkhole in Tuta. Boyacá.

This Saturday, one day after being rescued, the first of them, José Hernández, was discharged from a hospital in Duitama. Upon leaving, he spoke with Noticias Caracol about the drama they lived in the dark.

“I carried a porta with three eggs, rice, potato and a piece of chicken. On Wednesday morning I told them: ‘well, dogs, get up for breakfast.’ And I gave them small pieces, shredded the chicken and gave them and them I gave it to their egg. I told them: ‘if they finish everything, you will look.’ And no, they ate one piece or half, “he recalled.

And he recognized that there were moments of fear, especially when they heard that the drills of the companions who tried to save them were silenced. But, according to him, in those moments they clung to God, the Virgin, and prayed the Rosary.

Of course, they never stood still. Since Tuesday, when the landslide occurred and they were trapped, they began to see how they could help rescuers. After the hose was passed to them, through which they sent water and air, they themselves began to dig to support the team searching for them in the ground.

In the end, four miners, including one of José’s uncle, found them safe and sound. “Puppies”, thus, with that affection, they greeted each other. Both he and Óscar Díaz and Manuel Amézquita are in good health.
