VIDEO: Case of xenophobia and classism on a public street in Zona T in Bogotá?



An alleged case of xenophobia and classism in Bogotá generates rejection among users of social networks on account of a video published by the writer and columnist Carolina Sanín. In the recording you can see how a father with his two daughters tries to walk down a street while a man blocks his path.

The event occurred at the entrance of Carrera 13 with 85 in the exclusive T Zone of the country’s capital. Along this street there are several restaurants, which due to the covid-19 pandemic have had to apply different biosecurity measuresAmong them, installing fences to contain the capacity of citizens who visit the place.

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However, with those same fences it would have been prevented that a man and two minors, of Venezuelan origin, passed through the street while a man in a yellow jacket seems to be in charge of controlling who enters or not.

“This Venezuelan man and his two girls want to enter this street, which is a public street and they will not let him pass”said the woman who recorded the scene with her cell phone.

A man who enters the fenced road with complete confidence, tries to give an explanation to the citizen, who annoyed tries to know why the father and his two daughters are not allowed in.

“They don’t let them pass because they keep asking for it on the street and they bother people here in restaurants”argued the passerby.

But the woman insists that it is a public space to which they respond that she directs the complaint to the Ministry of Health and to the mayor Claudia López. The citizen responds that she does not have to speak to the Ministry of Health because “they are not sick.”

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While the woman is recording, several people leave and enter the street without any problem. Here you can see the episode that generates outrage:

Xenophobia case in Bogotá

For her part, the writer Carolina Sanín wrote on her Twitter account: “Proven: in the recently privatized streets of Bogotá they prevent access according to the look. Classism and xenophobia. This is PUBLIC SPACE. This discrimination is illegal ”. Likewise, he pointed out that these fences must be removed from the place.


The video has generated different positions on the Twitter social network.


The Secretary of Government, Luis Ernesto Gómez, pointed out on Twitter that public space is just that, public, reason why it announced that they will initiate controls to avoid that these cases appear.


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In addition, the Mayor of Chapinero pointed out: “We reject any act of discrimination, at this time we will intervene in this corridor from Bogotá to Open Sky to guarantee the right to travel through public space”.
