Very good! The number of recovered by COVID-19 increases in Antioquia, meet them here


The Antioquia Health Sectional Directorate confirmed that the department already has 391 people who have passed COVID-19.

According to the report delivered, the people who have won the battle against this virus are in: Medellín (232), Bello (46), Envigado (28), Itagüí (14), Rionegro (11), Sabaneta (10), Copacabana (7), La Estrella (7), Caldas (5), Montebello (3) , Apartadó (4), Guarne (3), Donmatías (2), Guatapé (2), La Ceja (2), Santa Rosa de Osos (2), Sonsón (2), San Pedro de Urabá (1), Barbosa ( 1), Andes (1), Santo Domingo (1), El Retiro (1), Cocorná (1), El Santuario (1), Angostura (1), Girardota (1), Amagá (1) and Frontino (1).

Today’s report also indicates that, as has happened worldwide, in Antioquia there are some cases of recurrence, that is, that even after the patient has negative results on his second test, again, he may be positive and reappear. the symptoms. Thus, the person returns to statistics as an active case, so it is necessary to take prevention and isolation measures again. Recurring cases for the department today are: seven (7) in Medellín, one (1) in Copacabana and one (1) in Envigado.

These cases are being worked on in an articulated manner between the department of Antioquia and the INS, the National Institute of Health.
