Venezuela received shipment of Russian vaccine against COVID-19


The first ‘Sputnik V’ vaccines against COVID-19, according to Carlos Alvarado, Minister of Health of Venezuela, 2,000 people who are included in the testing process will be put in the course of this month (no exact date) in Caracas.

“In an event that we do not hesitate to classify as historic for our homeland, we are receiving the first batch of Sputnik V vaccines from our beloved sister Russia,” said the vice president of that country, Delcy Rodríguez, on the Venezuelan state channel.

Rodríguez affirmed, after receiving the vaccine shipment, that he could not hide the emotion that Venezuela became the first country in the Western Hemisphere to participate in phase 3 of the Sputnik V clinical trials.

In August the administration of Nicolás Maduro had announced that that country I would participate in phase 3 of the Russian vaccine tests, after that country started phase 3 of the trials (human test), in which more than 40,000 volunteers are being vaccinated.

Russian vaccine against COVID-19

Russia became the first country in the world, on August 11, to approve a vaccine against coronavirtus, ‘Sputnik V’; However, Putin’s government’s announcement was received with suspicion by the international community, all because that country did not publish detailed studies with which the results of the first tests could be verified.

Despite this, the vice president of Venezuela stressed, according to the Sputnik News portal, that the scientists of his country and those of Russia have been in “constant conversations” to specify the shipment, which he classified as historic.

Rodríguez also mentioned that Venezuela will not only participate in phase 3 of the vaccine trials, but will also be part of the safe supply to Venezuelan citizens, as well as in the production of the medicine in your country.
