Venezuela presented to WHO the medicine that “cancels” the coronavirus


“We have formalized this study, this finding before the WHO to begin the corresponding international procedures, with a view to the certification and registration of this very important and transcendental finding,” said the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, in a statement to the media.

President Nicolás Maduro announced this Sunday that Venezuelan scientists have “achieved a medicine that cancels 100% the (new) coronavirus” and in which the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC) has been studying for six months.

It is, according to the president, a molecule called TR-10 that “was totally isolated and later, was confronted with the COVID-19 virus ”in a study that lasted six months and resulted in “100% killing of the virus.”

In this sense, Rodríguez assured this Monday that the finding shows “the effective properties of this molecule on in vitro cells infected with COVID-19.”

“Today, in the company of the Minister of Health and the Chancellor, we have shared with the representative of the (Pan American Health Organization) PAHO and WHO the results of the IVIC study”, He clarified.

The objective is to be able to “initiate the international procedures that correspond with a view to the certification and registration of this important finding”.

During the meeting with the representative of WHO and PAHO in Venezuela, Pier Paolo Balladelli, they also shared with him “other lines of research “about the” monitoring and development of this line of research that seeks the same results”.

The Venezuelan authorities confirmed yesterday 423 new cases of covid-19, with what they are already 89,565 people infected with the new coronavirus that causes that disease, Rodríguez reported. While the total death toll rose to 773.
