Vargas Lleras reaffirms his power in the Duque Government


In the last seven months the hand of Germán Vargas Lleras has been felt in the Duque government with the appointment of the Minister of Health Fernando Ruiz and recently, the Minister of Justice Wilson Ruiz. Both arrived supported by the Vargallerista wing of the Radical Change party, which has been crucial for the president to ensure majorities in Congress and thus approve his bills.

The new Minister of Justice Wilson Ruiz had initially received the support of Vargas Lleras as a candidate for the short list of Attorney General, in which he ended up being nominated by the Supreme Court of Justice. Ruiz will enter to replace Margarita Cabello and will have to pedal, among others, the reform of justice, one of the key projects of President Duque.

Wilson Ruiz is a lawyer from the Universidad Libre, was a magistrate of the Superior Council of the Judiciary and deputy attorney during the period of Alejandro Ordóñez. During his career in the public sector, he has also received support from conservative awnings.
