Vanessa de la Torre full of praise to Minister Fernando Ruiz


Vanessa de la Torre wished the Minister of Health a better 2021 and She thanked him on behalf of the entire country for that work which, according to her, is invaluable.

For the journalist, Fernando Ruiz is undoubtedly the character of the year and that is why he asked her how she will receive this 2021 and, even, if she will take a Whiskey deal tonight.

“Where do you receive 2021, where is it, do you drink a whiskey tonight, take a moon bath or what are you doing, minister?” Vanessa asked him, on Caracol Radio, and insisted on what cabal has the official for next year.

According to him, this date will be spent with his wife, daughter and brothers.

“I’m in Bogotá, I was going to try to go out to a farm, but they told me that the person who cares for the farm had COVID-19 affectation, so I had to stay in Bogotá, but hey, that is the year 2020, it is what has touched all Colombians”Fernando Ruiz pointed out.

He also said that 2021 has to be the year of hope and responsibility.

“We are going to have a vaccine, but the process is not going to be easy, it is going to be a complex year, vaccinating 34 million people will require the collaboration and effort of all Colombians,” said the official, in that same station. .

Minister Fernando Ruiz, character of the year 2020

The Minister of Health became one of the most mediatic characters in this 2020 that is ending. For El Espectador, Ruiz and the director of the National Institute of Health, Martha Ospina, are the leaders of the pandemic and, despite the difficulties, they have managed to overcome it.

According to Carlos Dáguer, Ruiz’s advisor this year, the minister “is surprisingly cold when it comes to analyzing situations. He trusts his close circle a lot and always listens to him. It is a cordial dialogue that he has tried to maintain with all sectors, ”the newspaper quotes.
