Vanessa de la Torre and Darcy Quinn fight over pets


The debate over the fact to travel or not with pets on airplanes or buses It was introduced by Gustavo Gómez, on Caracol Radio.

There, both Vanessa de la Torre as Darcy Quinn sank in a heated discussion that, despite its awkward moments, had a happy ending.

“Pets are part of the home; They are part of the family, they are part of the environment of a person who, if he changes cities or goes on a trip for a long time, does not want to leave it lying around. There is an emotional dependency as we have with any loved one. Companies have to understand that they are transporting lives, ”Quinn began arguing.

(See also: recommendations for traveling with pets by plane; “with precautions, no problem,” says Mark Lee)

This was followed by a forceful response from Of the Tower —which a few days ago also had a brush with Álvaro Uribe—, where she wanted to make it clear that, for her, the treatment of a pet is not comparable to the treatment of a human being.

“It seems to me that people got off the hook; now all the dogs are escort. I have two dogs and I pay the crate to carry them in their crate, but I cannot pretend that the world is the way I want it, which is walking with the dog all over the plane. Dogs are not children nor are they human beings, they are animals ”, he added.

Then came a controversial opinion from Quinn, director of the space ‘Pets snail‘from that station, who asked for what yes it’s okay to put up with other uncomfortable things on airplanes or buses.

“Why can’t they hold a dog and if they don’t have a problem with children running, yelling and pulling your hair? Other things about air travel bother me more than a pet. There are noisy people, there are children crying all over the plane.

Vanessa de la Torre’s comment that made Darcy Quinn uncomfortable

After a few minutes of discussion, a comment came from Of the Tower that obfuscated notoriously to Quinn, who this month commented that the America’s Cup was in danger.

“Darcy goes around with ‘Toño’ [su perro] as if he were a lord; he is not a lord, he is to dog”, Indian.

Vanessa, don’t rate my feelings; you don’t rate my relationship with ‘Toño’. He is very important in my life. Forgive me, but that is part of respect. You can’t rate that and no one can rate it, ”Quinn said, notoriously upset.

De la Torre said that she also has dogs, but that It does not seem to him that this is an impediment to limit at the time of distinguish between your loved ones and your pets.

“Your children are your children, but my children are my dogs. ‘Toño’ is my son, ‘sorry‘. That is why a figure called emotional support was created. You do not know how many animals have saved a person’s life. Respect, as one respects those who decide to have children. Qualifying a person’s relationships, love, and ties to an animal strikes me as profoundly disrespectful, ”Quinn added.

The discussion was settled in the first place after Quinn said that she always takes her pet to animal-friendly places and always consults before traveling to see if you can take it on the cabin of plane.

Minutes later, with things calm, de la Torre said that he had reached an agreement with Quinn. “We have already reached an agreement with Darcy. We are going to have a wine this afternoon and we are going to discuss the matter ”, the journalist concluded.

This was one of the recent cases of alleged animal abuse during a trip:
