Valle registers the highest number of people in ICU due to covid-19 in 10 months of the pandemic


January 03, 2021 – 08:49 pm

Newsroom of El País

María Cristina Lesmes, Secretary of Departmental Health, announced that this Sunday the highest number of people in ICU was registered by covid-19 in 10 months of the pandemic.

According to what the official published on her Facebook account, 599 people are admitted to Intensive Care Units for complications derived from covid-19.

“Today, January 3, 2021 is the day with the highest number of Covid 19 patients in the ICU, during the 10 months of the pandemic. 599 people today are fighting for life accompanied by the medical corps. Please stay home. We make great efforts to open new beds. It is not easy, “he wrote.

You can read: Valle surpassed 140 thousand cases of covid-19 this Sunday

Lesmes indicated that of the 1057 ICU beds that are enabled in the department, 90% are occupied. He also highlighted that 114 ICUs are disabled due to a shortage of medications or failure of mechanical ventilators.

According to the most recent report from that secretariat, 519 are occupied by confirmed cases of covid-19, 55 by suspects, 369 by people suffering from other pathologies and 114 are assigned for news.

To lower the occupancy level, Secretary Lesmes said that the Valle del Cauca Government allocated $ 4,400 million for the purchase of the drugs needed to open at least 84 ICU beds in Cali.

It should be mentioned that in Valle del Cauca 590 new cases of covid-19 were registered this Sunday, which raised the total number to 140,303 infections since the arrival of the virus in the region.

As for deaths, the department has already reported 4,342 deaths from diseases associated with the virus.

They evaluate intensifying restrictive measures in Cali

The mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina affirmed that it is important that citizens try to be kept in their homes during this week, which is considered crucial for decision-making.

Also read: Cali registered 2,711 deaths and more than 96 thousand cases of covid-19 in 2020

“This Monday, January 4, we are going to hold a scientific committee and from its evaluation we will know whether or not major decisions are made with dry law and curfew in the capital of Valle, where our goal is to be united by life and safeguard it. “, said.

According to the president of Cali, the measure of the peak and ID will be maintained to enter the commercial establishments, since it is necessary to reduce the capacity and the number of people who enter the shopping centers and the different stores in the city center.

“We are going to evaluate and based on statistics, figures and results of the actions and evidence provided by the different institutions, our government will make the decisions that may be necessary, because we continue to be guardians of life, an aspect that must be replicated among each one. of citizens, who also have the task of making visible the value of solidarity, which today is based on protecting others, “he said.

It should be remembered that the report of the Municipal Health Secretariat, with cut-off to January 2, in Cali more than 98 thousand positive cases and 2747 deaths from covid-19 have been registered.

The occupancy level of ICU beds in Cali is 90.2%, according to the report of the Ministry of Health.
