VACCINE AGAINST COVID: Nicolás Maduro announces that Venezuela will participate in phase 3 of the Russian vaccine


Venezuela will participate in phase 3 for the development of the Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus, developed in Russia, reported this Sunday the President Nicolás Maduro.

“Venezuela joins the Russian vaccine, in the coming days we will ask for the volunteers that are needed to get the vaccine and participate for Venezuela in phase 3 of Sputnik V”, Maduro said in a telephone connection with the presidential commission for COVID-19.

The decision, as detailed, was taken after an “important meeting” between the Venezuelan Minister of Health, Carlos Alvarado, and “the commission of Russian scientists that is carrying out the Sputnik V vaccine.”

Maduro stressed that they are also “articulated” with the vaccines that are being developed in China and the Sovereign 01, from Cuba.

On August 15, Russia began to produce its first vaccine against COVID-19, baptized as Spútnik V and which has been received with suspicion by the international scientific community due to the speed of the trials and the little information on the drug.

In early September, the country plans to begin vaccinating health workers and other risk groups due to fears of new outbreaks of the disease during the autumn season.

Mass vaccination of the population will still take “months and months”, according to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobianin.

The Russian authorities plan to register a second vaccine against COVID-19 in the next two months, which is currently being developed by the Véktor research center, located in Novosibirsk, Siberia.

Nicolás Maduro announces that Venezuela will participate in phase 3 of the Russian vaccine

The Russian Ambassador to Nicaragua, Andrei Budaev, confirmed last Friday plans to produce Sputnik V in a laboratory in Managua.

The diplomat recalled that in the Nicaraguan capital there is the Russia-Nicaragua vaccine production plant, baptized with the name of Elie Mechnikov, in honor of the Russian microbiologist recognized as one of the promoters of immunology.
