Uribe and his version of former prosecutor Hilda Niño in his case


He former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez returned to pronounce on his case, this time to talk about the episode involving the former prosecutor Hilda Niño, who had information about some “Plots” within the Prosecutor’s Office to affect him and his brother Santiago.

According to Uribe, after receiving this information from “Dr. Hernando Torres Barrera,” he entrusted lawyer Diego Cadena to corroborate this matter.

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“The former Prosecutor Hilda Niño confirmed to Dr. Cadena the version that she later ratified before the magistrate (César) Reyes of the Court” Uribe indicated.

Magistrate Reyes states that Dr. Cadena knew the former prosecutor and suggests a possible agreement for the complaint against the Prosecutor’s Office. It was never like this, Any previous meeting between the lawyer Cadena and the former prosecutor Hilda Niño was prior to the information I received from Dr. Torres Barrera about the manipulation against my brother and myself, ”Uribe said.

According to the ex-president, Lawyer Cadena spoke with former prosecutor Hilda Niño about other issues in 2017, before the information that Hernando Torres brought him on April 9, 2018 was known.

The former prosecutor was transferred from a place of confinement for a court guardianship. Judge Barceló assumed that the transfer was due to our management and he compiled copies for Dr. Cadena to investigate. Magistrate Reyes did not show interest in this specific point ”, he indicated.

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The leader of the Democratic Center said that all the information he received was sent to the Supreme Court of Justice. “Everything was sent to the Court, but the magistrate said that I was doing it to mislead them. I thought it was transparent to keep the Court informed, “he said.

Former President Álvaro Uribe stated that his desire will continue to be the defense of his honor. In addition, she affirms that what was expressed with this episode of the former prosecutor Niño, is based on the order that the Supreme Court of Justice issued against her and that orders her house arrest.
