United States: Professor Alejandro Navarro graded exams before dying in hospital | Viral – Latin America – International


Not even the pandemic of the new coronavirus has made people lose love for what they do, which is why many professionals have continued to exercise their jobs and trades despite the limitations of the health contingency.

An example of this are teachers, who have adapted to virtuality and have continued to teach classes despite the quarantine imposed in almost all countries of the world.

There have been several cases of delivery to teaching that have stood out and the most recent is that of Alejandro Navarro, a professor in the United States who worked until shortly before he died.

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His story

Upon learning that he was going to be admitted to the emergency room for a condition other than covid-19, Professor Navarro packed his computer so that he could advance in his students’ exam grades from the medical center.

Hospital teacher

Alejandro Navarro spent the last hours of his life grading exams.


Facebook Alejandro Navarro

The story has gone viral on social networks after Sandra Vanegas, daughter of the teacher, shared it through her Facebook to pay tribute to the great professional who was her father and show the world the devotion to his work, even during his last hours of life.

Along with a photo in which the academic is seen lying on a hospital bed with the laptop on his lap, he wrote: “This is my dad, Alejandro Navarro, the day before he passed away, worried about finalizing the grades for his students’ progress reports.”

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(Can you read us from the app? See the Facebook post here).

The woman, born in West Covina (city of Los Angeles County), said that the doctors warned Navarro that his heart could stop and asked him to decide what to do in that case: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, intubation, or to let him go in peace.

“Doctors came and went to see him. They did several tests. He answered all their questions and continued giving grades, “added Sandra, who recalled that the last time she saw him, prior to the moment of the photo in the hospital, was on December 4, still busy with his work despite his deterioration Health.

The last time I saw him, he spent the two hours I was at home working. I wish he had closed his laptop and enjoyed spending time with it. “, he indicated.

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Hospital teacher

Sandra Vanegas, daughter of Professor Navarro, is also a teacher.


Facebook Sandra A. Vanegas

Sandra is the mother of two children and lives in Del Rio, a city in the state of Texas. Like his father, he is a teacher and works at the San Felipe Del Rio CISD public school.

In this way, he understands the praiseworthy work of teachers and invites those who exercise it not to normalize work after hours, because, in his words, “you are replaceable at work. You are not replaceable at home ”.

“Teachers put in so many extra hours, hours that many don’t realize. Even during a pandemic, even during a health crisis, teachers worry about fulfilling their duties. If you are married to one, help them set limits. If you are the daughter / son of one, don’t let them work once they are home. Be kind to your teachers ”, Sandra concluded in her publication, which already has more than 78,000 shares and 24,000 ‘likes’.

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