United States elections: Joe Biden wins in Wisconsin – USA and Canada – International


Almost a month after the elections, and with his multiple allegations of “fraud” dismissed in court for lack of evidence, outgoing US President Donald Trump continues to avoid admitting his defeat to Democrat Joe Biden, who positioned himself this Monday in the key state of Arizona, consolidating its success only in the absence of results in Wisconsin.

(In context: Wisconsin count confirms Biden win over Trump)

“Today we signed the certification of the 2020 elections in Arizona,” tweeted Doug Ducey, the Republican governor of that state that has passed into the Democratic field for the first time in nearly 25 years. Biden won a narrow victory, by a margin of 10,457 votes, in a state in which almost 3.5 million voters cast.

Arizona Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, who is responsible for election operations, said the election was “conducted with transparency, precision and fairness (…) despite numerous unsubstantiated allegations to the contrary.”

However, the certification communicated this Monday does not necessarily mean the end of Republicans’ recourse to court, as this status allows the results to be contested even after they have been validated.

In fact, Trump’s campaign team has tried, so far without success, to hamper the certification process of results in key states won by Biden by challenging them in court.

And it is in this sense that Wisconsin certification is key, since it is the only state that has not yet validated the election results is Wisconsin, whose certification will also take place probably this Monday And that came after Trump’s own campaign requested and funded the recount in several counties.

But, contrary to going in his favor, in the last week the results were made official in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, three of the key states that Trump lost in the elections and that underpin the Democrat’s victory.

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Voting in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is one of three states that make up the Democratic Blue Wall, which they lost during the 2016 election.

“The Wisconsin recount is not about finding errors in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally and that case will be brought after the recount ends, on Monday or Tuesday,” Trump wrote Saturday in his Twitter gutter. “We have found many illegal votes. Pay attention!”.

The deadline to certify the vote in this state expires this Tuesday and, despite the fact that everything indicates that the certificate will sentence the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden, Donald Trump’s strategy seems to point towards the judicial allegations.

In fact, a conservative group has already filed a lawsuit against Wisconsin election officials to seek to prevent the certification of results.

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For their part, attorneys for Democratic Governor Tony Evers asked the local Supreme Court to dismiss the lawsuit that was added to another lawsuit filed over the weekend by Dean Mueller, a Wisconsin resident, alleging that the ballots placed in mailboxes are illegal and should not be counted.

Protests in Wisconsin

Strong anti-racism protests have erupted in Wisconsin in recent months, capitalized on by Joe Biden during the campaign.

Would the path of electoral fraud or theft prosper?

Donald Trump has continued to cry out “fraud.” “The 1,126,940 votes came out of nowhere. I won Pennsylvania by a lot, maybe a lot more than people will ever know. Pennsylvania’s votes were rigged. In all the other key states too. The world is watching,” wrote the Monday from his Twitter account, which adds the messages of the president continuous warning notes in the absence of evidence.

Almost a month after going to the polls, and amid a pandemic that has already killed more than 260,000 people in the country, Americans stare in amazement at Trump’s surprising and often contradictory statements.

(Read here: Trump says he will leave the White House if Biden’s victory is confirmed)

However, the courts have gone one by one dismissing almost all of the president’s complaints. “Saying an election is unfair doesn’t make it so. The charges require specific charges and then evidence. We do not have either of the two things here, “Judge Stephanos Bibas, of the Court of Appeals of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) said this Friday.

Bibas, in fact, was appointed by President Trump himself to the position. This Saturday it was also known that the vote count requested by the Trump campaign in Milwaukee County, in Wisconsin, he added 132 votes to Biden’s already wide margin of victory.

And it is in this sense that Wisconsin certification is key, since it is the only state that has not yet validated the election results is Wisconsin

What if they certify the triumph of Joe Biden?

Democrat Joe Biden has already begun to announce some of the positions that will make up his cabinet, after confirmation by the Senate, such as Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Still, however, without receiving the traditional courtesy call from the loser in the elections. The closest thing has been to a concession of the defeat occurred this Thursday.

In questions from journalists, and after a call with troops deployed abroad on Thanksgiving Day, about whether he will leave the White House if Biden is voted in the electoral college, he replied: “I certainly will, and you know it.”

Trump has tried to frustrate the electoral bureaucracy because, once the count of each state is confirmed, they consign the delegates that correspond to them within the Electoral College system on December 14 and transmit the result to the president of the Senate and vice president, Mike Pence, the January 6th.

Once confirmed that Biden exceeds 270 electoral votes, the president-elect will inaugurate his term in a ceremony in front of the Capitol on January 20. LThe results put Biden with 306 votes compared to 232 for Trump.


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