United States Elections 2020: TV channels cut Trump’s speech – United States Elections 2020 – International


Several US television networks interrupted the transmission of a speech by President Donald Trump on Thursday. The argument? they considered that its content was conducive to misinformation.

This action, which was presented in the United States, but was echoed in Belgium, Spain, France, Germany and Italy, among other countries, raises two discussions: the first has to do with the president’s responsibility not to misinform the country, and the second on whether or not the media should take action when these types of situations arise.

(Can read: Maximum expectation per count in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona)

In context, as the scrutiny of Tuesday’s election continued, Trump said from the White House that he would win “easily” if “legal votes” were counted, but that if “illegal votes” were included, Democrats could “try to rob us. the elections”.

At that time and very quickly, the MSNBC channel ceased its live broadcast. “Well, here we are again in the unusual position of (having to) not just interrupt the president of the United States, but also correct the president of the United States“snapped the host, Brian Williams.

NBC News and ABC News also interrupted the broadcast that ultimately ended up not being a press conference, as the president left his desk without answering questions from reporters.

Correct the President of the United States

CNN – which has already had several interdictions with Trump – fully issued the statement live, but its presenter Jake Tapper criticized the president “What a sad night for the United States of America to see its president (…) falsely accuse people of trying to steal the election! “said Tapper.

(We suggest: This is how the accounts are in the 5 states that have the US in suspense)

Among the networks that cut off the broadcast during prime time, was Fox News, the informational reference of the Republican Party, which also came out to deny his words.

The rift within the conservative news channel is deepening each time Trump repeats his accusations of electoral fraud: “We have not seen anything that constitutes fraud or abuse of the system,” said the correspondent.
from the White House for Fox News, John Roberts, live from the same room
press in which the president spoke seconds before.

(Click here to see the video)

On the news set, in New York, the presenters repeated over and over again. “We have not seen any evidence.” Hours later, on late-night opinion shows, Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham took a 180-degree turn and questioned in an editorial that vote-by-mail should be counted: “America should meet the winner on election night. or the next morning. ”

Read: By minimal difference, uncertainty is imposed on counting in the US.

The same station, the most watched paid news channel, assumed great tension on Tuesday’s election night after declaring Trump’s rival, Democrat Joe Biden, winner of Arizona before other media have done it.

The difference in criteria in programming Fox News It reflects the informational tension that exists between journalists of a company that has to decide between continuing to support the drift of Trump’s speech or the verification of his accusations against the electoral system.

The three big chains they cut

Meanwhile, the three major free-to-air stations – NBC, ABC and CBS – cut and forcefully denied Trump’s speech, live. “We have to interrupt Triumph because the president has made a series of false claims, “said journalist Lester Holt, host of NBC Nightly News, one
of the three most followed news programs on free-to-air television.

The same did David muir, the most followed news anchor in the country with 8 million daily viewers. “There just hasn’t been any evidence presented in any of these states that there are illegal votes,” it said.

Also: Biden takes the lead in Georgia, according to US media.

Next, the journalist explained that due to the coronavirus pandemic, voting by mail had increased, breaking records, more than 100 million Americans voted early, and that prolonged the scrutiny.

The CBS, third in hearing, he started a data verification while Triumph finished his speech, he denied all his accusations of “fraud” and “corruption of the system”.

More forceful were the information services of the American public radio, NPR: “Triumph again he falsely claimed victory in the 2020 elections. He has not won. The votes are still being counted. ”

In the program CNN, Rick Santorum, a talkative from the party of Triumph and a former senator declared himself “impressed” and “disappointed” after listening to the president.

International marking

For their part, other international media strongly criticized Trump’s accusations, whom they point to using the same plot theory as months ago.

Le Monde highlights in its electronic version that “Donald Trump denounces without evidence ‘an electoral robbery”. The French newspaper considered that “the outgoing president clings to the plot theory that he has developed for months in rallies, interviews, press conferences and messages posted on his Twitter account.”

Meanwhile, the news channel BFMTV This morning organized a round table with political scientists and journalists who are experts in US politics on the topic “television in the United States, at war with Trump.”

Read: Why does Trump denounce electoral fraud?

The station France information, for his part, stressed that, while Joe Biden called for patience and awaiting the development of the scrutiny, “Donald Trump has used a different tone” with his statements.

In Itaila, the newspaper “The Republic“He stressed that in the long accusation, of 16 minutes, and without questions from journalists, Triumph he obsessively repeated what he had been writing on Twitter all day. “Accusations, without a shred of proof, something that many US media immediately highlight,” says the newspaper, adding that the president “does not give up and shows no signs of abating, although in the night speech he seemed tired and less combative than usual. habitual”.

Also “Corriere della Sera” emphasizes that Trump cites a fraud “without evidence”, while “La Stampa” emphasizes that even the large channels ABC, CBS and MSNBC they interrupted the broadcast “when he again falsely claimed to have won the election if legal votes count.”

Of interest: Trump’s road to Supreme Court would not be as fast as he would like

In the UK, especially critical has been The Guardian newspaper, which points out that the US president is “filling the backlog (in the counting of votes) with false claims that his inevitable victory has been stolen by fraud.”

“The truth is that, mainly due to covid-19, about two-thirds of voters cast their votes in advance, also by mail, compared to a third who did it this way in 2016. Counting those ballots is slower because they have to open up and verify itself, “the newspaper noted.

Belgian and German media joined

The main Belgian newspapers on Friday highlighted the unprecedented “decline” and “dangerous reaction” of the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

The Francophone newspaper “The night” takes to its digital cover the headline “Trump maintains that the elections are stolen: the decline of a president”, and points out that the Republican has made a “delusional speech” where he does not provide any evidence.

The other great French-speaking newspaper in the country, “La Libre Belgique”, headlines “Trump lies and firmly accuses the Democrats”, and highlights that the president accused of electoral fraud “without the minimum foundation and multiplying the lies.”

For its part, the Flemish daily “De Standaard” states that “Biden sighs for victory, but Trump lights a fuse in a powder keg in a way never seen before”.

Also: Facebook warns of potential ‘misleading’ fraud messages from Trump

Another Flemish newspaper, “De Morgen”, indicates that Triumph “He used the White House press room last night to deliver a never-before-seen spiel about the ‘great democratic fraud.’

The German media highlighted the loneliness of the US president, Donald Trump, in his desperate struggle to remain in power, and the loss of support in his own ranks after his statements, in which he spoke of fraud and questioned the electoral system of his country.

The weekly “Der Spiegel” referred to Trump as “the squat”, who is waging a “dirty war for the oval office.” “Trump is left alone. The American president clings to power, but his chances of success fall almost with every hour that passes. A warning sign for him: now only his narrowest followers fight by his side,” says the publication, that ensures that “Donald Trump He tries everything to stay in office somehow. ”

For him “Southgerman’s newspaper”, the arguments to support his “baseless accusations” of fraud are “desperate”.

Media in Spain also echoed

For the national newspaper El País, “Trump, cornered by scrutiny, accuses Biden without proof of stealing the election,” and insists on the front page that three major US networks cut the president’s speech.

The world spoke of “Donald Trump claims victory over the unstoppable advance of Joe Biden” and appeals to fraud, while The vanguard recalls the television cut suffered by the president during his speech before the failed legal attempts to stop the scrutiny.

Related news:

– Vibrant final in Georgia: 3,600 votes separate Trump from Biden

– Joe Biden says he will ‘without a doubt’ win the US election.

With information from AFP and Efe
