United States Elections 2020: Bernie Sanders’ predictions about USA 2020 elections | Video – United States Elections 2020 – International


Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders made some predictions regarding the results of the US elections in an interview with Jimmy Fallon.

And the coincidences between what he said and what is happening are surprising.

(You may also be interested in: Undecided states, again the key in US presidentials.)

The video of the talk between Fallon and Sanders went viral in the last few hours, since the world’s media agenda, at this time, revolves around the elections in the North American country and the results obtained by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the different states of that country.

Bernie sanders

Sanders suspended his race for the Democratic party’s nomination for the presidential election in April this year.

“Although the elections are on November 3, it has been said that the results will not be known until days later. When do you think we’ll know the results? “Fallon asked Sanders.

(You can read: Biden is winning popular suffrage by almost 3 million votes).

The Democrat’s response was clear: “Every vote must be counted.”

“For certain reasons, which I don’t have time to delve into tonight, there is going to be a situation, I suspect, in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and others where they will receive large amounts of votes by mail, “he added.

“Although states like Florida or Vermont are not able for bad reasons to begin processing those ballots by mail until Election Day or when schools close, There will be states operating with perhaps millions of votes by mail. And this is my concern“Sanders said and anticipated something that did indeed happen.

(Also: Closed final in the US: Biden, 264 electoral votes; Trump leads 214).

Also, he pointed out, polls and studies indicated that Democrats are more likely to use the vote by mail. While Republicans usually vote at the polls on election day.

“These will be the ones that will be counted first, those of the people who will go to vote on election day, who will be Republicans,” he said.

In that sense, Sanders also pointed out that there was a high probability that “At 10 a.m. on election night, Trump will be winning in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And this is what will be said on television“.

“But the next day the votes by mail will continue to be counted and then everything will turn in favor of Biden, who will have won in those states“he added.

(You can also read: Pollsters in the US, again under the magnifying glass for their predictions).

(If you visit us from the app you can see the video here).

In addition, Sander anticipated one of Trump’s recent controversies: the president would claim that Biden’s vote was fraudulent.

This comment was also an accurate prediction by Sanders, since, on Wednesday, the president of the United States hinted that he will take the vote to court.

(Also read: Why is the Trump campaign planning to demand the counts in 3 states?).

The controversy began with some statements by Trump in which he assured: “This is a fraud against the American people. We are preparing to win this election. Frankly, we won this election”.

Trump denounces alleged “fraud” and claims to have won the electionTrump denounces alleged “fraud” and claims to have won the election.

Trump denounces alleged

Donald Trump has repeatedly accused the election results of fraud so far.

In addition to accusing the Democratic opposition of “trying to steal” the elections in a ‘tweet’ that was accused of misleading information by Twitter.

“We have a BIG advantage, but they are trying to STEAL the elections. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast once the polls close!”, Wrote the current president when noticing that the votes coming from the mail had a tendency democrat.

(If you visit us from the app you can see the trill here).

Twitter, for its part, superimposed a warning on this, and other trills of the president, because the statements he made were “potentially misleading about an election“, A situation that, according to the company, goes against its” policy of civic integrity “.

Other trills that were modified by the social network were one in which he asserted:

“Last night he had been leading, in many cases solidly, in many key states, almost all governed and controlled by the Democrats. Then one by one, they began to magically disappear as surprise ballots were counted.“.

(If you visit us from the app you can see the trill here).

In addition to another in which he wrote: “They are working hard to wipe out Pennsylvania’s 500,000-vote lead as soon as possible. Likewise Michigan and others!”.

(If you visit us from the app you can see the trill here).


* With information from La Nación (GDA – Argentina)
