two things should give people hope, according to Fauci – CNN


(CNN) – As the United States continues to fight COVID-19, CNN’s Jim Sciutto asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to share the best news he’s seen in recent weeks that should give hope to the American people.

Fauci noted that there is good news in two areas.

“There is good news in the area of ​​public health,” Fauci said. “We see that when we have states, cities, counties, and areas that meet the public health mandates that I am talking about with you now today, they reverse surges and actually mitigate any surges. That tells me we can do it. We have shown that the outbreak can really be controlled. ‘

Fauci went on to say that vaccine development is other good news.

“Now we have three vaccines in phase three of the trials, we are on the right track, it seems that things are really going in the right direction,” says Fauci.
