Trump’s chaotic debate underscores what is at stake in the election


(CNN) – It was easily the worst and most spiteful presidential debate in history. But still the event between Trump and Biden left the country facing the most difficult elections in many generations.

Americans will have to decide in the elections if they want four more years of the fury, insults, chaos and self-absorption that Donald Trump has shown millions of viewers. If you embrace a president with authoritarian reflexes who again said that he cannot accept the outcome of a democratic election and again refused to condemn white supremacists. Or they can choose the other guy.

Trump entered the debate Tuesday seeking to bring down his Democratic rival Joe Biden with a torrent of attacks, and for a time it seemed he could. He turned the debate in Cleveland into an outlandish 90-minute metaphor for his presidency: breaking all the rules, trying to intimidate Biden, and overwhelming Fox News moderator Chris Wallace, pitching lie after lie, while behaving like a hectic version of the real life from his ruthless and harassing Twitter account.

MIRA: First debate between Trump and Biden: the worst in history?

His refusal to condemn white supremacists and the verification of the name of the neo-fascist group Proud Boys, whom he told to “stand back and stay out of it,” was shocking in that place. But that was not surprising given that the last four years underscored the stakes in the upcoming elections, and he completely failed to achieve his primary goal of expanding his support in a career in which he lags behind.

“The commander-in-chief refused to condemn white supremacists on the world stage in front of my children, in front of everyone’s families and was given the opportunity multiple times to condemn them,” said Van Jones, CNN commentator and former adviser to the Obama administration that has also worked with the Trump White House on criminal justice reform.
It would have been an extraordinary, self-pitying and savage performance by a candidate with few votes. But for a president, in control of the nuclear codes, who is supposed to be leading the country through the worst health crisis in 100 years, the harshest economic depression in 90 years and the deepest racial reckoning in 50 years old, it was worrying in the extreme.

The keys to the debate and the impact on the elections

Inadvertently, Trump’s blasts played in favor of the central argument that Biden and a small gang of dissident Republicans are trying to sell out to half the country that is not a loyal Trump supporter or not inclined to support him. That is if the misconduct and personal anarchy displayed by Trump Tuesday night is appropriate in a president and offers an escape from desperate times.

The confrontation between the two men who dueled for the White House on November 3 did not merit the term debate. CNN’s Dana Bash accurately described the conflagration as a “shit show.” But there was only one candidate to blame for that.

Trump lashed out at the rules agreed by his campaign that each candidate would have equal time. Biden’s attempts to utter a word only led to a confused noise. If Biden waited for the president to speak, Trump dragged on, and Wallace unhappily tried to control him, as all White House advisers have done for four years.

LOOK: ANALYSIS | Successes and Failures of the First Trump-Biden Debate

“You wanna shut up, man?” – The Democratic candidate, who for the most part resisted Trump’s promptings, became exasperated at one point, behaving more like a frustrated bystander who might have been watching the debate for clues as to how the The president plans to lead America through a time of national danger.

Trump did not have good answers about the pandemic, blaming China, claiming millions more would have died if Biden had been president, undermining the face masks and promising to invalidate his scientists on whether a coming vaccine was safe.

Biden may have won by discard

Biden, playing the role of a mainstream politician caught in a demagogic tsunami, was not particularly impressive in the debate against Trump, and was at times lacking in seriousness, calling Trump a “clown,” “fool,” and “in the debate.” Putin’s puppy ». His response to the vacant Supreme Court seat of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not make liberals run to the polls in elections to support his moderate campaign.

But while the debate was a disservice to democracy, Biden did not participate in the same way as Trump in making it a disaster.

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Coming into the night with an advantage in the polls, the 77-year-old former vice president’s main task was to debunk Trump’s claims that he has said that Biden hardly knows where he is and cannot put two words together. He certainly did, showing energy until the end of the debate. He could hardly help but look more like a statesman than the angry tantrum Trump was throwing on stage. And on the pandemic, the economy, and race, the Democratic nominee took some substantial blows against the president, and addressed Americans watching home live expectantly for the elections, if any of the millions of viewers could hear them. Above the cacophony

He doesn’t have a plan. The fact is, this man doesn’t know what he’s talking about, “Biden said, condemning the president’s efforts to end Obamacare without offering a realistic alternative.

“How many of you woke up this morning and had an empty chair at the table because someone died of covid-19?” Biden asked, blaming Trump for his mishandling of the virus for thousands of deaths in the United States.

“It is what it is, because you are who you are,” Biden told Trump.

A CNN poll of debate watchers gave Biden the night by a wide margin: 60% of those polled said Biden won, while only 28% gave Trump the night.
