Trump suggests he will break relations with China because of Covid-19


May 14, 2020 – 09:57 a. m.

AFP / El País

US President Donald Trump said Thursday that he does not want to speak “now” with his counterpart Xi Jinping, due to the handling that Beijing has given to the coronavirus pandemic and even suggested that it could “cut off all relations” with China.

“I have a very good relationship, but it’s just that right now I don’t want to talk to him,” Trump told Fox Business, saying he is “very disappointed” by the Chinese handling of the pandemic.

Asked if the United States could retaliate, Trump did not elaborate but warned in a threatening tone: “There are many things we could do. We could do things. We could cut all relationships.”

“If you did, what could happen?” Trump said. “You would save $ 500 billion if you cut the entire relationship.”

Tension between the United States and China has escalated in recent weeks due to exchanges of accusations about the origin of the new coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of 300,000 people.

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Trump has said that Beijing covered up the true scale of the outbreak, which originated in late 2019 in central China’s Wuhan City, allowing it to spread.

The government of the Asian giant denies that accusation, and insists that it transmitted all the available information to the World Health Organization as soon as it could.

Trump insisted on his allegations during the Fox interview. “It all came from China and they should have stopped it,” he said.
