Trump says he’s already immune to coronavirus


“It seems I’m immune, I don’t know, maybe for a long time, maybe a short time, maybe for life. Nobody really knows, but I am immune, “he said in a telephone interview with Fox News, after his doctor said that the president no longer represents a risk of infecting others.

“They have a president who is immune (…) Today they have a president who does not need to hide in his basement like his opponent”added Trump, who is seeking a second term, referring to Joe Biden.

This Fox News trill reviews what the US president said:

Despite Trump’s claims, the issue of immunity to COVID-19 is still unclear.

In August, the World Health Organization warned regarding the coronavirus that “there is not yet enough data to confirm whether the antibodies protect, what levels of antibodies are required or how long the protection will last.”

That same month, Hong Kong researchers announced that they had discovered the world’s first proven case of covid-19 reinfection, a few months after the patient’s recovery.

Trump published another message on Twitter that was later tagged with a warning from the social network for violating its rules in relation to the dissemination of misleading and potentially harmful information in relation to covid-19.

“Total and complete discharge of the White House doctors yesterday. That means I can’t have it (immune) and I can’t infect it. Good to know! ”He wrote.

Donald Trump made these statements a day after his doctor, Sean Conley, issued a brief message in which he indicated that there was no longer the risk of the president transmitting the virus.

“I anticipate a totally safe return of the president to his public commitments,” he wrote.

On Saturday, the president appeared at the White House for his first public act in front of his followers since the announcement of his infection.

The return to the campaign rallies throughout the country, which the president enjoys, is scheduled for this week, with an intense rhythm: on Monday he will do an act in Florida (southeast); on Tuesday, in Pennsylvania (northwest), and on Wednesday, in Iowa (center).

Is Joe Biden sick, as Trump says?

During the interview with Fox News, Trump, 74, also hinted that his Democratic rival, 77, might be ill.

“If you look at Joe, he was coughing terribly yesterday (Saturday), then he would grab his mask, then he was coughing,” he said.

“I don’t know what that means, but the press hasn’t talked much about it,” he added.

After it was announced that the president had contracted COVID-19, like his wife Melania Trump, Biden’s campaign team publishes the results of the tests that the candidate undergoes daily. So far all have tested negative.

A transparency that the president of the United States does not practice. His medical team refuses to say when Trump last tested negative.

This stance fuels suspicions that the president did not undergo the COVID-19 test for several days before announcing on October 1 that he contracted the coronavirus.

At a time when the death toll from the pandemic in the country exceeds 214,000, Biden marches nearly 10 points, on average, ahead of Trump in national polls. And it has also consolidated its advantage in voting intention in the decisive states for the election.

Faced with these worrisome figures for his political future, Trump invokes, more than ever, the surprise of 2016, in search of repeating history.

In a morning tweet, he quoted electoral statistician Nate Silver as saying, “Trump’s victory in 2016 was the most shocking political event of my life.”

“This time there is more ENTHUSIASM even than in 2016,” he added. “Winning in many states much more easily than people understand. LARGE CROWDS! ”He assured.
