Trump, a president with no agenda obsessed on Twitter with “fraud”


The president has disappeared from the scene. Donald Trump already completes ten days without a public agenda. His only outings have been to the golf courses on weekends. However, he continues to actively tweet about alleged electoral fraud, of which his lawyers have been unable to present evidence.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, continued this Wednesday without a public agenda, concentrating on his denunciations of an “electoral fraud” through Twitter, and without it seems that the challenges that his team has presented in several states are going to influence the victory of Democrat Joe Biden.

Ten days after Biden was cast as president-elect, Trump has disappeared from the sight of Americans, entrenched in the White House.

His only public appearance at that time was last Friday, when he appeared in the White House Rose Garden to comment on advances in vaccines to defeat the coronavirus pandemic.

Without accepting questions or referring to the electoral defeat, he returned to his official residence.

In this time, his few outings have been exclusively on weekends to play golf at his private club in Sterling, Virginia, just outside of Washington, and the daily schedules appear empty with minimal meetings.

Silence in public, screaming on Twitter

He has yet to admit defeat to Biden, thus breaking the traditional courtesy call between applicants, and his contact with the outside world has been channeled exclusively through his favorite social network, Twitter.

“I won the elections. Voter fraud across the country! ”He wrote this Wednesday, all in capital letters, along with a series of comments in which he questioned the cleanliness of the counts and the decisions on challenges that his team has presented.

Trump’s comments, always with Twitter’s warning that his allegations of fraud “are questioned,” also refer to the decision of the Wayne County Board of Elections, Michigan, which last night unanimously certified the results, after having been blocked due to the refusal of the Republicans to do so.

“Incorrect! At first they voted against because there were many more VOTES than PEOPLE (Sad!). They were then threatened, yelled at and brutally harassed, and FORCED to change their vote, but then they REFUSED, as American patriots, to sign the documents, ”Trump wrote.

His campaign today presented a request for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, Milwaukee and Dane, considering that there are “absentee votes illegally altered and illegally cast,” a state where Biden won by a margin of 20,500 votes.

Layoffs on Twitter

Also through his Twitter account, he announced two fatal layoffs. On November 9, that of the Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper; and this Tuesday, that of Christopher Krebs, director of the cybersecurity agency who last week affirmed that the last presidential elections were “the safest in history.”

“Chris Krebs’ recent statement on the security of the 2020 elections was very inaccurate, as there were massive fraud and irregularities,” Trump said in his message about the head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) “, an agency that belongs to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Trump’s bad mood has led him to cancel his usual trip to spend the Thanksgiving Day party in Mar-A-Lago (Florida), where the president has a private residence.

The country’s media have anticipated that, instead, he will spend the festivities, the most popular in the US, at the White House in what they have described as a “bomb shelter mentality” in which the United States has been immersed. President.

Transition locked

Added to the unusual situation is the alarm over the sharp increase in coronavirus cases in the United States, which continues to rise to record levels and is beginning to cause strong pressure on hospitals across the country, where the death toll is already approaching 250,000.

Biden has still not received approval for his team to work closely with the agencies it will have to oversee from January 20, the day the new administration took office, and he plans to meet with healthcare professionals to learn about the I work on the front line against the covid.

This crisis seems to be the only one that could force the hand of the White House to facilitate the transition, which Emily Murphy, the administrator of the public service agency, GSA for its acronym in English, should facilitate in its most practical section, but which until now has resisted carrying out.

On December 14, the Electoral College is scheduled to meet, where the votes assigned to each candidate by the delegates of each state are formalized, and at that time Murphy could be forced to facilitate access to Biden’s team.

According to the projections of the mainstream media, Biden has far exceeded the 270 votes in the Electoral College that give the keys to the White House, with 306 compared to 232 for Trump.

We recommend: The army of Trumpistas seeking evidence of alleged electoral fraud
