Trasteos in the middle of the quarantine: Government determined how to make a move during the quarantine | National


They were ready protocols and guidelines to carry out removals in the regions, through cargo companies duly enabled in the country.

The Housing and Transportation ministries by means of a circular, they determined how a fretting or moving in this quarantine applying all biosecurity measures.

“The removals only can be done with strict compliance by the interested party and the company providing the service, the biosafety protocols, to mitigate, control and carry out the proper management of pandemic of the COViD-19, established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and its compliance will be verified at any time by the territorial authorities “Explained the Minister.

Within the protocols it was determined that it should keep a distance one meter between one person and another within the vehicle, it must be aerated.

It should also plan routes and for long distance routes, you will have to verify the places where you can make stops , just to stock fuel, rest and use the toilets.

For their part, workers that these fretting or moving, they must wear face masks, wash their hands continuously and keep physical distancing.

Finally, both interested As the companies that provide this transport, they must comply with the other guidelines that the National government and territorial entities as authorities within each jurisdiction.
