Transmilenio: Robbery at Marseille station leaves wounded with knife | Bogota – Bogota


Although there is still much to clarify in this new attack inside a TransMilenio bus, so far It is known that a 19-year-old man identified by the name of 19-year-old Jefferson Araíjo, would have been robbed inside an article of the massive system, exactly at the Marsella station, during the morning of this Monday, November 9.

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This new victim, apparently, was wounded in his arm with a knife, according to the first versions.

The citizen denounced that after the robbery and the attack with a knife He traveled by his own means to the Kennedy Hospital, in the southwest of the capital, to be assisted.

Although there is still no direct version of the victim, EL TIEMPO contacted the Ministry of Health, which confirmed that during the morning a patient wounded with a knife with the name they describe in the complaints by networks did arrive at the Kennedy hospital.

(Read also: Police would be part of a gang dedicated to the robbery in TransMilenio)

He had a small wound on his arm and legs, he is under observation, the result of a CT scan is awaited and if all is well the patient would have a discharge today.

For its part, TransMilenio claims to be unaware of this case at the moment, but continues to search its records for when the event occurred.

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Write to us at [email protected] if you have information about this case
