Tour de France: Stage 6, Le Teil


Tour de France: Stage 6, Le Teil - Mont Aigoual / 191 Km.

EFE · Road Competition · 03/09/2020

Mont Aigoual is a kind of viewpoint of France. From its summit, not very high, at 1,560 meters, you can see the Mediterranean, the Alps, the Pyrenees …, provided the weather is mild.

Because this mountain, where this Thursday will arrive the sixth stage of the Tour de France, the first goal of the race on its ramps, since the end of the 19th century it has been home to a meteorological station in which all extremes are reflected: record of sub-zero temperatures, record of rainfall, record of foggy days, …

Mont Aigoual is the figurehead of the south of the country. All storms leave their mark on this viewpoint of space and climate where the weather forecast predicts good weather for the arrival of the squad.

But the runners will not have much time to admire the landscape or the climate, because in the last 30 kilometers they do not stop climbing. The cyclists already verified it in 1987, when they climbed to the viewpoint in a stage that a Millau with Avin.

From a sporting point of view, they will ascend the Col des Mourzes, in the third category, which is linked to that of Lusette, in the first category. With 11.7 kilometers of unevenness and an average slope of 7.3%, this giant of the Massif Central will surprise with ramps of up to 13%, a sufficient platform to launch attacks, although once its summit has been saved, cyclists will still have to travel a fortnight kilometers to the meteorological observatory that houses the goal.

A profile that makes the development of the stage unpredictable, but that further limits the attacks between the favorites for the final victory. In any case, the Tour will include another wonderful landscape on its payroll, another postcard to sell to the world in a particular edition, marked by Covid-19.

An attraction that can save the meteorological observatory, which is in need of major restoration work. Its measuring instruments have registered temperatures of 28 degrees below zero, rainfall of 600 liters per square meter in 24 hours or fog for 240 days a year.

If, as planned, the Tour had arrived in July, the meteorologists expected sunny weather and the mercury hovering around 30 degrees. In September the conditions will not be so favorable, although the sun is expected to shine, although with more moderate temperatures.

With the British Adam Yates (Mitchelton-Scott) wearing the leader’s yellow jersey, the Tour de France will start punctually from the city of Le Teil at 12 noon (CEST) and its arrival at Mont Aigoual is scheduled for 5 pm: 00 h.

Stage 6 data

Departure: Le Teil / 12:00 hours (CEST)
Arrival: Mont Aigoual / 5:00 p.m.
Distance: 191 kilometers
Scorable mountain elevations:
. None of Cost / 3 at Km. 146
. Col des Mourzes / 3 at Km 163
. Col de la Lusette / 1 at km 177.5

Stage 6 tour

Tour de France - Stage 6

Stage 6 profile
Tour de France - Stage 6

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